Most automobile insurance databases contain a large number of policy holders with zero claims. This high frequency of zeros may reflect the fact that some insureds make little use of their vehicle, or that they do not wish to make a claim for small accidents in order to avoid an increase in their premium, but it might also be because of good driving. We analyse information on exposure to risk and driving habits using telematics data from a Pay-as-you-Drive sample of insureds. We include distance travelled per year as part of an offset in a zero- inflated Poisson model to predict the excess of zeros. We show the existence of a learning effect for large values of distance travelled, so that longer driving should result in higher premium, but ...
The use of advanced driver assistance systems and the transition towards semi-autonomous vehicles ar...
We show how data collected from a GPS device can be incorporated in motor insurance ratemaking. The ...
The main purpose of the present paper is to provide an econometric model which estimates the number ...
Most automobile insurance databases contain a large number of policyholders with zero claims. This h...
Most automobile insurance databases contain a large number of policy holders with zero claims. This ...
The use of advanced driver assistance systems and the transition towards semi-autonomous vehicles ar...
Telematics data from usage-based motor insurance provide valuable information –including vehicl...
Telematics technology - the integrated use of telecommunication and informatics - may fundamentally ...
Being involved in an accident may modify the behavior of an insured at the wheel due to their having...
We show how data collected from a GPS device can be incorporated in motor insurance ratemaking. The ...
We show how data collected from a GPS device can be incorporated in motor insurance ratemaking . The...
In Pay-As-You-Drive (PAYD) automobile insurance, the premium is fixed based on the distance traveled...
In this paper we employ survival analysis methods to analyse the impact of driving patterns on dista...
Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Statistics and ...
We present a method to integrate telematics data in a pay-how-you-drive insurance pricing scheme tha...
The use of advanced driver assistance systems and the transition towards semi-autonomous vehicles ar...
We show how data collected from a GPS device can be incorporated in motor insurance ratemaking. The ...
The main purpose of the present paper is to provide an econometric model which estimates the number ...
Most automobile insurance databases contain a large number of policyholders with zero claims. This h...
Most automobile insurance databases contain a large number of policy holders with zero claims. This ...
The use of advanced driver assistance systems and the transition towards semi-autonomous vehicles ar...
Telematics data from usage-based motor insurance provide valuable information –including vehicl...
Telematics technology - the integrated use of telecommunication and informatics - may fundamentally ...
Being involved in an accident may modify the behavior of an insured at the wheel due to their having...
We show how data collected from a GPS device can be incorporated in motor insurance ratemaking. The ...
We show how data collected from a GPS device can be incorporated in motor insurance ratemaking . The...
In Pay-As-You-Drive (PAYD) automobile insurance, the premium is fixed based on the distance traveled...
In this paper we employ survival analysis methods to analyse the impact of driving patterns on dista...
Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Statistics and ...
We present a method to integrate telematics data in a pay-how-you-drive insurance pricing scheme tha...
The use of advanced driver assistance systems and the transition towards semi-autonomous vehicles ar...
We show how data collected from a GPS device can be incorporated in motor insurance ratemaking. The ...
The main purpose of the present paper is to provide an econometric model which estimates the number ...