Risk management is practiced in many financial institutions and one of the most commonly used risk measures is Value at Risk. This measure represents how much a portfolio of assets could lose over a pre-specified time horizon to a cer- tain probability. Value at Risk is often utilized to calculate capital requirements and margins, which work as collateral to cover potential losses that might occur due to market turbulence. It is important that the calculation of Value at Risk is accurate which require complex and time demanding models but many financial institutions also wishes to calculate Value at Risk continuously throughout the day, which requires computational speed. Today’s most commonly used method for calculating Value at Risk is hi...
Value at Risk (VaR) is the regulatory measurement for assessing market risk. It reports the maximum ...
Since the 90’s, the Basle and the Basle II committee has required banks to calculate their VaR perio...
Value at Risk (VaR) is a risk measurement technique, that measures the risk associated with a portfo...
Risk management is practiced in many financial institutions and one of the most commonly used risk m...
The paper deals with Monte Carlo simulation method and its application in Risk Management. The autho...
Monte Carlo simulations are widely used in pricing and risk management of complex financial instrume...
ABSTRACTThe thesis work documented here, is a study of basic methods for estimating Value at Risk, w...
Value-at-Risk, in financial risk management, is a central method for estimating and controlling risk...
Calculation of the Value at Risk (VaR) measure, of a portfolio, can be done using Monte Carlo simula...
Computation of value-at-risk: the fast convolution method, dimension reduction and perturbation the...
Value-at-risk (VaR) and conditional value-at-risk (CVaR) are two widely used risk measures of large ...
Portfolio risk shows the large deviations in portfolio returns from expected portfolio returns. Valu...
Over the past decade, no other tool in financial risk management has been used as much as Value at R...
During the past few years, there have been several studies for portfolio management. One of the prim...
Value at Risk (VaR) is a common statistical method that has been used recently to measure market ri...
Value at Risk (VaR) is the regulatory measurement for assessing market risk. It reports the maximum ...
Since the 90’s, the Basle and the Basle II committee has required banks to calculate their VaR perio...
Value at Risk (VaR) is a risk measurement technique, that measures the risk associated with a portfo...
Risk management is practiced in many financial institutions and one of the most commonly used risk m...
The paper deals with Monte Carlo simulation method and its application in Risk Management. The autho...
Monte Carlo simulations are widely used in pricing and risk management of complex financial instrume...
ABSTRACTThe thesis work documented here, is a study of basic methods for estimating Value at Risk, w...
Value-at-Risk, in financial risk management, is a central method for estimating and controlling risk...
Calculation of the Value at Risk (VaR) measure, of a portfolio, can be done using Monte Carlo simula...
Computation of value-at-risk: the fast convolution method, dimension reduction and perturbation the...
Value-at-risk (VaR) and conditional value-at-risk (CVaR) are two widely used risk measures of large ...
Portfolio risk shows the large deviations in portfolio returns from expected portfolio returns. Valu...
Over the past decade, no other tool in financial risk management has been used as much as Value at R...
During the past few years, there have been several studies for portfolio management. One of the prim...
Value at Risk (VaR) is a common statistical method that has been used recently to measure market ri...
Value at Risk (VaR) is the regulatory measurement for assessing market risk. It reports the maximum ...
Since the 90’s, the Basle and the Basle II committee has required banks to calculate their VaR perio...
Value at Risk (VaR) is a risk measurement technique, that measures the risk associated with a portfo...