A balanced budget implies a necessity for budget revenue and budget expenditure to be compatible so that financial liquidity of the budget sector is obtained. In practice a full synchronisation between income and expenditure is hard to achieve, hence an imbalance between them in the form of budget surplus or budget deficit. The latter is the most frequent in most of the countries with a market economy. The aim of the article is to present budget imbalance from both the theoretical and practical point of view in Poland. The article constitutes a confirmation for conclusions put forward in an article published in Bank i Kredyt in 1997 which assumed unavoidability of budget deficits in Poland in the years that followed and the fact that the ...
Niniejsza praca ma na celu analizę pojęć deficytu budżetowego oraz długu publicznego, będących w ost...
Аnnotation: The budget deficit and the amount of public debt are the most important indicators of th...
The aim of the article is to present a problem concerning the reasons for the formation of a public ...
The article attempts to prove that public financc in Poland is imbalanced. To do this, data is pres...
ABSTRACT: The budget deficit is almost a common economic phenomenon occurring in many countries of t...
The budget balance analysis in the light of the chosen theories of the public finance, with particul...
Praca skupia się na tematyce związanej z deficytem budżetowym i powiązanym z nim długiem publicznym ...
Excessive budget deficits and high government debt in many countries all over the world led to a de...
The article discusses the issue of fiscal stability and presents an analysis of the situation of Pol...
In the article, the author analyses sources of budget deficit’s financing in the transformation peri...
Artykuł poświęcony jest problematyce wydatkowych reguł fiskalnych w Polsce. Trwałe pogorszenie stanu...
The aim of the article is to determine the degree, direction and strength of impact of the studied v...
The Polish budgetary system. The article describes the budgetary system at present operating in Pol...
The article introduces the most important principles and recommendations related to the management o...
The aim of this article is to provide the synthetic presentation of over twenty years of Poland’s ex...
Niniejsza praca ma na celu analizę pojęć deficytu budżetowego oraz długu publicznego, będących w ost...
Аnnotation: The budget deficit and the amount of public debt are the most important indicators of th...
The aim of the article is to present a problem concerning the reasons for the formation of a public ...
The article attempts to prove that public financc in Poland is imbalanced. To do this, data is pres...
ABSTRACT: The budget deficit is almost a common economic phenomenon occurring in many countries of t...
The budget balance analysis in the light of the chosen theories of the public finance, with particul...
Praca skupia się na tematyce związanej z deficytem budżetowym i powiązanym z nim długiem publicznym ...
Excessive budget deficits and high government debt in many countries all over the world led to a de...
The article discusses the issue of fiscal stability and presents an analysis of the situation of Pol...
In the article, the author analyses sources of budget deficit’s financing in the transformation peri...
Artykuł poświęcony jest problematyce wydatkowych reguł fiskalnych w Polsce. Trwałe pogorszenie stanu...
The aim of the article is to determine the degree, direction and strength of impact of the studied v...
The Polish budgetary system. The article describes the budgetary system at present operating in Pol...
The article introduces the most important principles and recommendations related to the management o...
The aim of this article is to provide the synthetic presentation of over twenty years of Poland’s ex...
Niniejsza praca ma na celu analizę pojęć deficytu budżetowego oraz długu publicznego, będących w ost...
Аnnotation: The budget deficit and the amount of public debt are the most important indicators of th...
The aim of the article is to present a problem concerning the reasons for the formation of a public ...