Galina talks about the Diamond Sutra that she keeps in her house, a coin that she heals sick children with, and about the significance of keeping a picture/statue of a Buddha at home. Galina: This is the Diamond Sutra, Dorzh Zhodva. This sutra protects the house where it is being kept. When a person reads this sutra out loud, it is very good. I sometimes also read it. This is Ochir Manla, the Buddha of Medicine. When you ask for a blessing from this Buddha, all illnesses get cured. This is an old copper coin. I had a silver ring, but over time it got worn out. This coin is still intact. I use it when I heal sick people. Mergen: How old is this coin? Galina: I cannot see which year it was minted. When you read prayers with this coin and touc...