In this video Petr, a famous Kalmyk choreographer, talks about Kalmyk language, culture and dances. He says that the Kalmyks should keep their language alive. He adds that today many Kalmyks speak, think and write in Russian. 80 per cent of the Kalmyk youth does not know their native language. According to Petr, Kalmyk dances are connected with the Kalmyk language. For example, during a dance people sing shavash (a Kalmyk praise to the dancer). In the 1960s Kalmykia used to hold competitions of Kalmyk sayings. Today, by contrast, people lost interest in traditional songs and dances. Petr bemoans the fact that today the young people do not understand the meaning of Kalmyk words, although many want to learn their native tongue. For example, i...