Additions to the terebrantian (Insecta: Thysanoptera) fauna of Kerala, India

  • Rachana, R.R.
  • Varatharajan, R.
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Publication date
September 2016
ANSF Publications


Extensive surveys were carried out in Kerala in order to explore the thysanopteran fauna since the state has hardly been studied for the fauna of thrips after Dr. T.N. Ananthakrishnan’s era of Indian thysanopteran taxonomy. Nine species of terebrantian thrips, one in the family Aeolothripidae and the remaining eight in the familyThripidae are being listed as new to Kerala state records collected from different hosts. Diagnostic features, distribution and data on material studied for these species are given. The number of known species of terebrantian thrips in Kerala is thus increased to forty two

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