Energy efficiency has become the most important performance metric of integrated circuits used in many applications ranging from mobile devices to high-performance processors. The power problem permeates both computing and communication systems alike. Especially in the era of Big Data, continuously growing demand for higher communication bandwidth is driving the need for energy-efficient high-speed I/O serial links. However, the rate at which the energy efficiency of serial links is improving is much slower than the rate at which the required data transfer bandwidth is increasing. This dissertation explores two design approaches for energy-efficient communication systems. The first design approach maximizes the energy efficiency of a tra...
The explosive development of various computation and communication platforms has demanded the per-pi...
Growing computational demand and proliferation of cloud computing has placed high-speed serial link...
Energy efficiency has become a key performance metric for wireline high speed I/O interfaces. Conseq...
High performance computing and communication are two key aspects of all information processing syste...
Total I/O bandwidth demand is growing in high-performance systems due to the emergence of many-core ...
Total I/O bandwidth demand is growing in high-performance systems due to the emergence of many-core ...
Energy efficiency has become a key performance metric for wireline high speed I/O interfaces. Conseq...
As data and computing systems get larger with more elements composing a single system, streamlined c...
As data and computing systems get larger with more elements composing a single system, streamlined c...
As data and computing systems get larger with more elements composing a single system, streamlined c...
Inter- and intra-chip connections have become the new challenge to enable the scaling of computing s...
The ever-growing demands for high-bandwidth data transfer have been pushing towards advancing resear...
The ever-growing demands for high-bandwidth data transfer have been pushing towards advancing resear...
The ever-growing demands for high-bandwidth data transfer have been pushing towards advancing resear...
Continuous technology scaling sharply reduces transistor delays, while fixed-length global wire dela...
The explosive development of various computation and communication platforms has demanded the per-pi...
Growing computational demand and proliferation of cloud computing has placed high-speed serial link...
Energy efficiency has become a key performance metric for wireline high speed I/O interfaces. Conseq...
High performance computing and communication are two key aspects of all information processing syste...
Total I/O bandwidth demand is growing in high-performance systems due to the emergence of many-core ...
Total I/O bandwidth demand is growing in high-performance systems due to the emergence of many-core ...
Energy efficiency has become a key performance metric for wireline high speed I/O interfaces. Conseq...
As data and computing systems get larger with more elements composing a single system, streamlined c...
As data and computing systems get larger with more elements composing a single system, streamlined c...
As data and computing systems get larger with more elements composing a single system, streamlined c...
Inter- and intra-chip connections have become the new challenge to enable the scaling of computing s...
The ever-growing demands for high-bandwidth data transfer have been pushing towards advancing resear...
The ever-growing demands for high-bandwidth data transfer have been pushing towards advancing resear...
The ever-growing demands for high-bandwidth data transfer have been pushing towards advancing resear...
Continuous technology scaling sharply reduces transistor delays, while fixed-length global wire dela...
The explosive development of various computation and communication platforms has demanded the per-pi...
Growing computational demand and proliferation of cloud computing has placed high-speed serial link...
Energy efficiency has become a key performance metric for wireline high speed I/O interfaces. Conseq...