As silicon transistors have become a staple in everyday usages, other semiconductor materials (specifically III-V materials) are being researched to determine how their differing physical properties can be harnessed toward even better devices or applications. Useful properties of the III-V semiconductor gallium nitride (GaN) compared to silicon are its larger bandgap energy, larger breakdown field, and higher thermal conductivity. These properties allow GaN transistors to more effectively be used as power switching devices with larger current density, switching speeds and better power efficiency than that of Si power devices. The GaN transistor structure used to create these power switching devices is the high electron mobility transistors ...
Nowadays, improvements in the energy efficiency of silicon (Si) power electronics are becoming less ...
Gallium nitride (GaN) technology is being adopted in a variety of power electronic applications due ...
Gallium nitride based transistors will make up a large portion of the power electronics and the micr...
Power-switching devices require low on-state conduction losses, high-switching speed, high thermal s...
abstract: With the high demand for faster and smaller wireless communication devices, manufacturers ...
As the demand for smaller and more efficient electronics continues to grow, the technological advanc...
This thesis presents a comprehensive study on the development of GaN-based high-power transistors. F...
abstract: This work is focused on modeling the reliability concerns in GaN HEMT technology. The two ...
GaN-based HEMTs are among the most promising candidates for high-power and high-frequency applicatio...
Gallium nitride (GaN) technology is the next revolution in electronics as it offers a large bandgap ...
Popular semiconductors currently being used for RF applications include GaAs and InP. The operating ...
Gallium Nitride (GaN) high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) are becoming increasingly popular i...
This thesis describes the design, fabrication and characterization of AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure Fiel...
The demand for high performance power electronics in consumer electronics, electric vehicle, aerospa...
Research is being conducted for a high-performance building block for high frequency and high temper...
Nowadays, improvements in the energy efficiency of silicon (Si) power electronics are becoming less ...
Gallium nitride (GaN) technology is being adopted in a variety of power electronic applications due ...
Gallium nitride based transistors will make up a large portion of the power electronics and the micr...
Power-switching devices require low on-state conduction losses, high-switching speed, high thermal s...
abstract: With the high demand for faster and smaller wireless communication devices, manufacturers ...
As the demand for smaller and more efficient electronics continues to grow, the technological advanc...
This thesis presents a comprehensive study on the development of GaN-based high-power transistors. F...
abstract: This work is focused on modeling the reliability concerns in GaN HEMT technology. The two ...
GaN-based HEMTs are among the most promising candidates for high-power and high-frequency applicatio...
Gallium nitride (GaN) technology is the next revolution in electronics as it offers a large bandgap ...
Popular semiconductors currently being used for RF applications include GaAs and InP. The operating ...
Gallium Nitride (GaN) high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) are becoming increasingly popular i...
This thesis describes the design, fabrication and characterization of AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure Fiel...
The demand for high performance power electronics in consumer electronics, electric vehicle, aerospa...
Research is being conducted for a high-performance building block for high frequency and high temper...
Nowadays, improvements in the energy efficiency of silicon (Si) power electronics are becoming less ...
Gallium nitride (GaN) technology is being adopted in a variety of power electronic applications due ...
Gallium nitride based transistors will make up a large portion of the power electronics and the micr...