Heroic struggles, criminals and scientific breakthroughs: ADHD and the medicalization of child behaviour in Australian newsprint media 1999-2009

  • Harwood, Valerie
  • Jones, Sandra C
  • Bonney, Andrew D
  • McMahon, Samantha
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Publication date
January 2017
Sociological Research Online
Citation count (estimate)


There is a dearth of scholarly analysis and critique of the Australian newsprint media\u27s role in the medicalization of child behaviour. To begin to redress this lack this paper analyses newsprint media\u27s use of metaphors that re/describe and construct realities of ADHD with a medicalizing effect. The interdisciplinary team used the FactivaTM database to locate and review 453 articles published in Australian national and metropolitan newspapers during the decade 1999-2009. Data analysis involved generating statistical descriptions of the dataset according to attributes such as: date, state, newspaper titles and author names. This was followed by inductive analysis of article content. Content analysis revealed pervasive and striking use...

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