© 2014, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg and Mathematical Optimization Society. This note provides a simple proof of a worst-case convergence rate measured by the iteration complexity for the DouglasâRachford operator splitting method for finding a root of the sum of two maximal monotone set-valued operators. The accuracy of an iterate to the solution set is measured by the residual of a characterization of the original problem, which is different from conventional measures such as the distance to the solution set.Link_to_subscribed_fulltex
International audienceIn this work, we first provide iteration–complexity bounds (pointwise and ergo...
Recently, several convergence rate results for Douglas-Rachford splitting and the alternating direct...
This thesis is concerned with the design and analysis of algorithms that solve nonsmooth convex opti...
The Douglas–Rachford algorithm is a very popular splitting technique for finding a zero of the sum ...
Recently, several authors have shown local and global convergence rate results for Douglas–Rachford ...
Recently, several local and global linear convergence rate results for Douglas–Rachford splitting ha...
International audienceOver the past decades, operator splitting methods have become ubiquitous for n...
The Douglas–Rachford splitting algorithm is a classical optimization method that has found many appl...
The Douglas-Rachford splitting method plays an important role in optimization. We modify the method ...
In this paper, we present a convergence rate analysis for the inexact Krasnosel’skĭı– Mann iteratio...
Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. We propose a generali...
Mathematics Subject Classification (2000) 47H05 · 47H09 · 90C25International audienceIn this paper, ...
In this paper we consider a problem that consists of finding a zero to the sum of two monotone opera...
In this work, we first provide iteration–complexity bounds (pointwise and ergodic) for the inexact ...
We provide a simple analysis of the Douglas-Rachford splitting algorithm in the context of ℓ[supersc...
International audienceIn this work, we first provide iteration–complexity bounds (pointwise and ergo...
Recently, several convergence rate results for Douglas-Rachford splitting and the alternating direct...
This thesis is concerned with the design and analysis of algorithms that solve nonsmooth convex opti...
The Douglas–Rachford algorithm is a very popular splitting technique for finding a zero of the sum ...
Recently, several authors have shown local and global convergence rate results for Douglas–Rachford ...
Recently, several local and global linear convergence rate results for Douglas–Rachford splitting ha...
International audienceOver the past decades, operator splitting methods have become ubiquitous for n...
The Douglas–Rachford splitting algorithm is a classical optimization method that has found many appl...
The Douglas-Rachford splitting method plays an important role in optimization. We modify the method ...
In this paper, we present a convergence rate analysis for the inexact Krasnosel’skĭı– Mann iteratio...
Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. We propose a generali...
Mathematics Subject Classification (2000) 47H05 · 47H09 · 90C25International audienceIn this paper, ...
In this paper we consider a problem that consists of finding a zero to the sum of two monotone opera...
In this work, we first provide iteration–complexity bounds (pointwise and ergodic) for the inexact ...
We provide a simple analysis of the Douglas-Rachford splitting algorithm in the context of ℓ[supersc...
International audienceIn this work, we first provide iteration–complexity bounds (pointwise and ergo...
Recently, several convergence rate results for Douglas-Rachford splitting and the alternating direct...
This thesis is concerned with the design and analysis of algorithms that solve nonsmooth convex opti...