Phytoremediation technique uses plants parts to remove, extract, and absorb heavy or toxic matter from soil and water. In the present study, Catharanthusroseus (Periwinkle) and Nerium Oleander (Oleander) were used for removing Chromium (Cr) and Lead (Pb) metals. These plant species were seeded in polyethylene pots containing 8kg of soil. Each pot was irrigated with wastewater for four months (May, June, July and August) and accumulation of the considered metals was analyzed after every month for leaf, stem and root by using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). This experimental work was carried out in the laboratories of Water Desalination Researches Unit - Building and Construction Engineering Department and Environmental Research Ce...
Phytoremediation is a set of technologies that uses plants to clean up contaminated soils and ground...
Chromium is a common heavy metal pollutant found in industrial wastewaters which may pollute agricul...
Treatment and disposal of heavy metal in the industrial effluents, especially in wastewater is a maj...
Phytoremediation technique uses plants parts to remove, extract, and absorb heavy or toxic matter fr...
Phytoremediation is the use of specially selected or engineered living green plants for in situ risk...
Heavy metals are among the most important sorts of contaminant in the environment.Several methods al...
Phytoremediation has been widely used for wastewater treatment technology. Horsetail was investigate...
Phytoremediation is the use of specially selected or engineered living green plants for in situ risk...
In today's modern or developing country, concept of phytoremediation is still the economic way in tr...
One of the most common sources of contamination in surface water is the discharge of waste water con...
Abstract The electroplating industry generates wastewater containing a variety of heavy metals which...
Phytoremediation is a set of technologies that uses plants to clean up contaminated soils and ground...
Heavy metal pollution is a worldwide concern; its severity and degree of pollution vary from place t...
As human populations grow worldwide, there is an increasing need to address the problems associated ...
Increased consciousness for safeguarding the aqueous environment has prompted a search for alternati...
Phytoremediation is a set of technologies that uses plants to clean up contaminated soils and ground...
Chromium is a common heavy metal pollutant found in industrial wastewaters which may pollute agricul...
Treatment and disposal of heavy metal in the industrial effluents, especially in wastewater is a maj...
Phytoremediation technique uses plants parts to remove, extract, and absorb heavy or toxic matter fr...
Phytoremediation is the use of specially selected or engineered living green plants for in situ risk...
Heavy metals are among the most important sorts of contaminant in the environment.Several methods al...
Phytoremediation has been widely used for wastewater treatment technology. Horsetail was investigate...
Phytoremediation is the use of specially selected or engineered living green plants for in situ risk...
In today's modern or developing country, concept of phytoremediation is still the economic way in tr...
One of the most common sources of contamination in surface water is the discharge of waste water con...
Abstract The electroplating industry generates wastewater containing a variety of heavy metals which...
Phytoremediation is a set of technologies that uses plants to clean up contaminated soils and ground...
Heavy metal pollution is a worldwide concern; its severity and degree of pollution vary from place t...
As human populations grow worldwide, there is an increasing need to address the problems associated ...
Increased consciousness for safeguarding the aqueous environment has prompted a search for alternati...
Phytoremediation is a set of technologies that uses plants to clean up contaminated soils and ground...
Chromium is a common heavy metal pollutant found in industrial wastewaters which may pollute agricul...
Treatment and disposal of heavy metal in the industrial effluents, especially in wastewater is a maj...