Orbital apex syndrome from bacterial sinusitis without orbital cellulitis

  • Margaret L. Pfeiffer
  • Helen A. Merritt
  • Lucy A. Bailey
  • Karina Richani
  • Margaret E. Phillips
Publication date
June 2018


Purpose: To describe a case of orbital apex syndrome as a result of isolated bacterial sinusitis. Observations: A 63-year-old woman presented with an orbital apex syndrome from isolated bacterial sinusitis with rapidly declining visual acuity to no light perception. We compared our case with 6 similar cases of severe vision loss from isolated bacterial sinusitis. In contrast to previously published cases, our patient presented with good vision yet deteriorated to no light perception despite appropriate treatment. Conclusions and importance: Orbital apex syndrome can present as a constellation of cranial neuropathies including optic neuropathy from conditions affecting the orbital apex. Although vision loss remained permanent, prompt initiat...

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