INTRODUCTION: Diarrhoea is a leading cause of death globally, mostly occurring as a result of insufficient or unsafe water supplies, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene. Our study aims to investigate the impact of a community-level hygiene education program and a water quality intervention using riverbank filtration (RBF) technology on diarrhoeal prevalence. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: We have designed a stepped wedge cluster randomised trial to estimate the health impacts of our intervention in 4 rural villages in Karnataka, India. At baseline, surveys will be conducted in all villages, and householders will receive hygiene education. New pipelines, water storage tanks and taps will then be installed at accessible locations in each village a...
<p class="Bodytext170">Background: As per WHO estimates, 80% of all the diseases in developing count...
Boiling, disinfecting, and filtering water within the home can improve the microbiological quality o...
Child diarrhea is one of the primary causes of infant death in the world. It affects poor population...
Introduction Diarrhoea is a leading cause of death globally, mostly occurring as a result of insuffi...
Sustainable and low-cost methods for delivery of safe drinking water in resource-limited settings re...
INTRODUCTION: Government efforts to address massive shortfalls in rural water and sanitation in Indi...
UNLABELLED: BACKGROUND: Infectious diseases associated with poor sanitation such as diarrhoea, inte...
Background and objectives: Water and sanitation are major public health issues exacerbated by rapid ...
BACKGROUND: Open defecation is widespread in rural India, and few households have piped water connec...
A longitudinal study of the bacteriological quality of rural water supplies was undertaken for a mov...
Unsafe drinking water, together with poor hygiene and sanitation, are the main contributors to diarr...
Objective: Inadequate water and sanitation services adversely affect the health and socioeconomic d...
BACKGROUND: Ever since John Snow's intervention on the Broad St pump, the effect of water quality, h...
SummaryBackgroundA third of the 2·5 billion people worldwide without access to improved sanitation l...
Globally, diarrhea is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. Populations living in de...
<p class="Bodytext170">Background: As per WHO estimates, 80% of all the diseases in developing count...
Boiling, disinfecting, and filtering water within the home can improve the microbiological quality o...
Child diarrhea is one of the primary causes of infant death in the world. It affects poor population...
Introduction Diarrhoea is a leading cause of death globally, mostly occurring as a result of insuffi...
Sustainable and low-cost methods for delivery of safe drinking water in resource-limited settings re...
INTRODUCTION: Government efforts to address massive shortfalls in rural water and sanitation in Indi...
UNLABELLED: BACKGROUND: Infectious diseases associated with poor sanitation such as diarrhoea, inte...
Background and objectives: Water and sanitation are major public health issues exacerbated by rapid ...
BACKGROUND: Open defecation is widespread in rural India, and few households have piped water connec...
A longitudinal study of the bacteriological quality of rural water supplies was undertaken for a mov...
Unsafe drinking water, together with poor hygiene and sanitation, are the main contributors to diarr...
Objective: Inadequate water and sanitation services adversely affect the health and socioeconomic d...
BACKGROUND: Ever since John Snow's intervention on the Broad St pump, the effect of water quality, h...
SummaryBackgroundA third of the 2·5 billion people worldwide without access to improved sanitation l...
Globally, diarrhea is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. Populations living in de...
<p class="Bodytext170">Background: As per WHO estimates, 80% of all the diseases in developing count...
Boiling, disinfecting, and filtering water within the home can improve the microbiological quality o...
Child diarrhea is one of the primary causes of infant death in the world. It affects poor population...