Designing digital viscosimeter using water flow sensor application G1/2 ATMega853 AVR microcontroller based useful for measuring the viscosity of the fluid in a practical value. The core of this tool is used the sensor water flow sensor G1/2 which is a type of flow sensor, which when energized by the fluid can be determined rotations per second (rps). Sensor works on a certain viscosity which the more viscous fluid will flow the smaller the value generated rps. Measurement capability of this tool is in the range of 8-22 rps or on the viscosity range from 0.8340 - 42.3878 cP. Data of sensor processing used a microcontroller ATMega 8535 chip and language used is a C language program while the data processing system using Lagrange interpolatio...
Berkembangnya sektor industri di segala bidang antara lain: pennesinan, percetakan, polimer, ilmu ba...
he purpose of this research is to determine the performance specifications and design specifications...
Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan uji suatu sistem pengaduk berbasis magnet dan pemanas fluida dengan m...
"> Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan viskometer rotasi berbasis mikrokontroler dan meng...
Rancang bangun viskosimeter metode bola jatuh berbasis mikrokontroler Atmega16 telah berhasil dilaku...
Viskometer merupakan suatu sistem alat pengukur nilai viskositas suatu zat cair. Fungsi dari alat uk...
Already observed the software of liquid viscosity measurement by using Borland Delphi 7.0 program. T...
ABSTRAK Viskositas adalah sifat fluida yang dikarenakan gesekan antar molekul penyusun fluida terhad...
An experiment had been carried out to determine the viscosity coefficient of aquadest (destilled wat...
Viskositas fluida (zat cair) adalah gesekan yang ditimbulkan oleh fluida yang bergerak, atau benda p...
Viscosity or viscosity is one of the quantities that are very important in the analysis of the behav...
He purpose of this research is to determine the performance specifications and design specifications...
Have been conducted a research for the measuring instrument of time. at attempt of Viscousmeter Stok...
A simple and compact sensor has been designed for measuring a viscosity of a fluid. The sensor consi...
Pengukuran koefisien viskositas zat cair menggunakan hukum Hagen-Poiseuille dengan metode Microcompu...
Berkembangnya sektor industri di segala bidang antara lain: pennesinan, percetakan, polimer, ilmu ba...
he purpose of this research is to determine the performance specifications and design specifications...
Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan uji suatu sistem pengaduk berbasis magnet dan pemanas fluida dengan m...
"> Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan viskometer rotasi berbasis mikrokontroler dan meng...
Rancang bangun viskosimeter metode bola jatuh berbasis mikrokontroler Atmega16 telah berhasil dilaku...
Viskometer merupakan suatu sistem alat pengukur nilai viskositas suatu zat cair. Fungsi dari alat uk...
Already observed the software of liquid viscosity measurement by using Borland Delphi 7.0 program. T...
ABSTRAK Viskositas adalah sifat fluida yang dikarenakan gesekan antar molekul penyusun fluida terhad...
An experiment had been carried out to determine the viscosity coefficient of aquadest (destilled wat...
Viskositas fluida (zat cair) adalah gesekan yang ditimbulkan oleh fluida yang bergerak, atau benda p...
Viscosity or viscosity is one of the quantities that are very important in the analysis of the behav...
He purpose of this research is to determine the performance specifications and design specifications...
Have been conducted a research for the measuring instrument of time. at attempt of Viscousmeter Stok...
A simple and compact sensor has been designed for measuring a viscosity of a fluid. The sensor consi...
Pengukuran koefisien viskositas zat cair menggunakan hukum Hagen-Poiseuille dengan metode Microcompu...
Berkembangnya sektor industri di segala bidang antara lain: pennesinan, percetakan, polimer, ilmu ba...
he purpose of this research is to determine the performance specifications and design specifications...
Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan uji suatu sistem pengaduk berbasis magnet dan pemanas fluida dengan m...