Teppo Eskelinen tarkastelee väitöskirjatyössään äärimmäiseen köyhyyteen sisältyviä eettisiä ongelmia yhteiskuntafilosofian näkökulmasta. Usein oletetaan, että maailman hyväosaisilla on moraalisia velvollisuuksia poistaa äärimmäistä köyhyyttä. Näitä velvollisuuksia tulee kuitenkin Eskelisen mukaan tutkia etiikan lisäksi yhteiskuntafilosofian kontekstista eli oikeudenmukaisuuden ja vallan ongelmina.- Alallamme on käyty paljon keskustelua siitä, minkälaisia velvollisuuksia hyväosaisilla on poistaa äärimmäistä köyhyyttä. Nämä velvollisuudet on perinteisesti nähty velvollisuuksina auttaa. On kuitenkin esitetty, ovatko talousjärjestelmän voittajien velvollisuudet enemmänkin negatiivisia eli velvollisuuksia jättää vahingoittamatta, kertoo Teppo Es...
World economy has been doing well in recent decades even taking into account the current financial c...
On the threshold of the 21st century, the problem of poverty remains unresolved. Many still suffer f...
In this paper I argue for social ethics of poverty from a sociological and theological perspective: ...
The international community has been struggling with the issue of poverty since the Second World War...
[full article and abstract in Lithuanian; abstract in English] In this article the concept of the cu...
The issue of global poverty is one of utmost importance and has gained increasing attention from po...
In this dissertation, I argue in favor of an alternative approach to the problem of global poverty, ...
Skurdas – problema, su kuria susiduria Lietuvos ir išsivysčiusių pasaulio šalių gyventojai. 2000 m. ...
Thesis (M.A) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2019Tez (Yüksek Lisans)...
Küreselleşmenin ekonomik boyutunu ifade eden küresel ekonomik düzen, özellikle yoksul ülkelerde bas...
This thesis is an investigation into the ethics and politics of global poverty. The main focus will ...
Jatkuvat muutokset julkisella sektorilla ja finanssikriisi ovat haastaneet julkisen sektorin tarkast...
Global poverty (GP) is currently, a fundamental, burning issue. Factually, GP has traditionally gene...
On the threshold of the 21st century the problem of poverty has not been dealt with yet. The world ...
Most people, especially in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, suffer and die from lack of food, shel...
World economy has been doing well in recent decades even taking into account the current financial c...
On the threshold of the 21st century, the problem of poverty remains unresolved. Many still suffer f...
In this paper I argue for social ethics of poverty from a sociological and theological perspective: ...
The international community has been struggling with the issue of poverty since the Second World War...
[full article and abstract in Lithuanian; abstract in English] In this article the concept of the cu...
The issue of global poverty is one of utmost importance and has gained increasing attention from po...
In this dissertation, I argue in favor of an alternative approach to the problem of global poverty, ...
Skurdas – problema, su kuria susiduria Lietuvos ir išsivysčiusių pasaulio šalių gyventojai. 2000 m. ...
Thesis (M.A) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2019Tez (Yüksek Lisans)...
Küreselleşmenin ekonomik boyutunu ifade eden küresel ekonomik düzen, özellikle yoksul ülkelerde bas...
This thesis is an investigation into the ethics and politics of global poverty. The main focus will ...
Jatkuvat muutokset julkisella sektorilla ja finanssikriisi ovat haastaneet julkisen sektorin tarkast...
Global poverty (GP) is currently, a fundamental, burning issue. Factually, GP has traditionally gene...
On the threshold of the 21st century the problem of poverty has not been dealt with yet. The world ...
Most people, especially in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, suffer and die from lack of food, shel...
World economy has been doing well in recent decades even taking into account the current financial c...
On the threshold of the 21st century, the problem of poverty remains unresolved. Many still suffer f...
In this paper I argue for social ethics of poverty from a sociological and theological perspective: ...