V okviru magistrske naloge smo ugotavljali vpliv sorte leske (Corylus Avellana) in temperature stiskanja olja na fizikalne in kemijske lastnosti lešnikovega olja. V olju smo določili maščobno kislinsko sestavo, proste maščobne kisline, peroksidno število, p-anizidinsko vrednost, Totox vrednost, antioksidativni potencial, vsebnost konjugiranih dienov in trienov, dielektrično konstanto in faktor dielektričnih izgub. Analizirali smo olja petih različnih sort leske, en vzorec olja je vseboval mešanico različnih sort olj, trije vzorci pa so bili pridobljeni pri različnih temperaturah. Analizirana olja vsebujejo največ oleinske maščobne kisline (72,8 g/(100 g)) in linolne maščobne kisline (9,4 g/(100 g)), ki jo uvrščamo med omega 6 maščobne kisli...
Poland is one of the largest producers of hazelnuts in Europe; however, information regarding the st...
Essential oils are the volatile, aromatic oils obtained by steam or hydro distillation of botanical ...
Doświadczenie przeprowadzono w latach 1998–2002 w Katedrze Sadownictwa Akademii Rolniczej w Lublinie...
Hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) is one of the most popular nuts worldwide and plays an important role...
Obična lijeska, (Corylus avellana L.) listopadni je grm iz porodice Betulaceae koja daje plod lješnj...
Lješnjakvo ulje je zlatno-žute boje, jedinstvenog okusa i visoke hranjive vrijednosti. U ovom diplom...
Istarski duguljasti lješnjak, iz porodice Corylus avellana, je visokovrijedna namirnica koja sadrži ...
none6The influence of different roasting conditions on the physical-chemical (water activity, moistu...
U ovom radu istraživalo se postoji li i kolika je razlika u količini hladno prešanog ulja lješnjaka ...
Drying is one of the most important stages of hazelnut processing and its optimization improves the ...
Turan, Ali/0000-0002-2961-6605WOS: 000446480300020PubMed: 30333652This study was conducted to determ...
Based on the results it was established that the fruits of all three tested varieties have less than...
Based on the results it was established that the fruits of all three tested varieties have less than...
Albania belongs to the Western part of the Balkan Peninsula, shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Its cl...
U ovom radu određen je kemijski sastav 24 sorte lješnjaka uzgajanih u Hrvatskoj, a rezultati su uspo...
Poland is one of the largest producers of hazelnuts in Europe; however, information regarding the st...
Essential oils are the volatile, aromatic oils obtained by steam or hydro distillation of botanical ...
Doświadczenie przeprowadzono w latach 1998–2002 w Katedrze Sadownictwa Akademii Rolniczej w Lublinie...
Hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) is one of the most popular nuts worldwide and plays an important role...
Obična lijeska, (Corylus avellana L.) listopadni je grm iz porodice Betulaceae koja daje plod lješnj...
Lješnjakvo ulje je zlatno-žute boje, jedinstvenog okusa i visoke hranjive vrijednosti. U ovom diplom...
Istarski duguljasti lješnjak, iz porodice Corylus avellana, je visokovrijedna namirnica koja sadrži ...
none6The influence of different roasting conditions on the physical-chemical (water activity, moistu...
U ovom radu istraživalo se postoji li i kolika je razlika u količini hladno prešanog ulja lješnjaka ...
Drying is one of the most important stages of hazelnut processing and its optimization improves the ...
Turan, Ali/0000-0002-2961-6605WOS: 000446480300020PubMed: 30333652This study was conducted to determ...
Based on the results it was established that the fruits of all three tested varieties have less than...
Based on the results it was established that the fruits of all three tested varieties have less than...
Albania belongs to the Western part of the Balkan Peninsula, shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Its cl...
U ovom radu određen je kemijski sastav 24 sorte lješnjaka uzgajanih u Hrvatskoj, a rezultati su uspo...
Poland is one of the largest producers of hazelnuts in Europe; however, information regarding the st...
Essential oils are the volatile, aromatic oils obtained by steam or hydro distillation of botanical ...
Doświadczenie przeprowadzono w latach 1998–2002 w Katedrze Sadownictwa Akademii Rolniczej w Lublinie...