Background: Reducing harmful consumption of food, alcohol, and tobacco products would prevent many cancers, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Placing information-based cues in the environments in which we select and consume these products has the potential to contribute to changing these behaviours. Methods: In this review, information-based cues are defined as those which comprise any combination of words, symbols, numbers or pictures that convey information about a product or its use. We specifically exclude cues which are located on the products themselves. We conducted a systematic review of randomised, cluster- randomised, and non-randomised controlled trials to assess the impact of such cues on selection and consumption. Thirte...
AIMS: Evidence from tobacco research suggests that health warning labels (HWLs) depicting the advers...
Purpose: This study aims to reveal the presence of products with negatively correlated nutrients in ...
This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Intervention). The objectives are as follows: 1. To ass...
BACKGROUND: Reducing harmful consumption of food, alcohol, and tobacco products would prevent many c...
Background: Reducing harmful consumption of food, alcohol, and tobacco products would prevent man...
Reducing harmful consumption of food (including non-alcoholic drinks) and alcoholic drinks would pre...
BACKGROUND: Overconsumption of food, alcohol, and tobacco products increases the risk of non-communi...
Health warning labels (HWLs) could reduce harmful consumption of food (including non-alcoholic drink...
BACKGROUND: Overconsumption of food, alcohol, and tobacco products increases the risk of non-communi...
Health warning labels (HWLs) could reduce harmful consumption of food (including non-alcoholic drink...
Background Explicit labelling of lower strength alcohol products could reduce alcohol consumption b...
BACKGROUND: Health warning labels (HWLs) using images and text to depict the negative health consequ...
Abstract: Background and aims: Health warning labels (HWLs) on tobacco products reduce smoking. Ther...
High rates of overweight, obesity and chronic disease are partly attributable to an increased preval...
Some of the main causes of mortality and morbidity among the developed countries – such as the cardi...
AIMS: Evidence from tobacco research suggests that health warning labels (HWLs) depicting the advers...
Purpose: This study aims to reveal the presence of products with negatively correlated nutrients in ...
This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Intervention). The objectives are as follows: 1. To ass...
BACKGROUND: Reducing harmful consumption of food, alcohol, and tobacco products would prevent many c...
Background: Reducing harmful consumption of food, alcohol, and tobacco products would prevent man...
Reducing harmful consumption of food (including non-alcoholic drinks) and alcoholic drinks would pre...
BACKGROUND: Overconsumption of food, alcohol, and tobacco products increases the risk of non-communi...
Health warning labels (HWLs) could reduce harmful consumption of food (including non-alcoholic drink...
BACKGROUND: Overconsumption of food, alcohol, and tobacco products increases the risk of non-communi...
Health warning labels (HWLs) could reduce harmful consumption of food (including non-alcoholic drink...
Background Explicit labelling of lower strength alcohol products could reduce alcohol consumption b...
BACKGROUND: Health warning labels (HWLs) using images and text to depict the negative health consequ...
Abstract: Background and aims: Health warning labels (HWLs) on tobacco products reduce smoking. Ther...
High rates of overweight, obesity and chronic disease are partly attributable to an increased preval...
Some of the main causes of mortality and morbidity among the developed countries – such as the cardi...
AIMS: Evidence from tobacco research suggests that health warning labels (HWLs) depicting the advers...
Purpose: This study aims to reveal the presence of products with negatively correlated nutrients in ...
This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Intervention). The objectives are as follows: 1. To ass...