The Hsin Yü of Lu Chia has long been regarded by Chinese scholars as a work of miner importance. One of the factors, as pointed out by He Ling-hsü, is that the authenticity of Hsin Yü has been doubted by modern scholars. The second factor, I think, is that Lu Chia only passed on the Confucian doctrines, without any further development. Thus we can see why most modern writers on history of Chinese philosophy ignored him. The most distinguished contemporary philosopher Fung Yu-lang ignored Lu Chia totally, when he first wrote his "History of Chinese Philosophy", and in his recent publications, Chung-kuo Che-hsüeh-shih Shihliao Ch'u-kao and Chung-kuo Che-hsüeh-shih Hsin-pien, he still fails to give Lu Chia place in the development of Ch...