Diversity, endemism and origins of scale insects on a tropical oceanic island: Implications for management of an invasive ant

  • Neumann, Gabor
  • O'Dowd, Dennis J.
  • Gullan, Penny J
  • Green, Peter T.
Publication date
June 2016
Korean Society of Applied Entomology
Citation count (estimate)


Detailed assessment of scale insect (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) faunas on islands may help predict impacts of invasive ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and inform options for their management, including biological control. Mutualism between scale insects and the invasive ant Anoplolepis gracilipes on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean, threatens the conservation of the island's endemic land crab fauna, alters rainforest structure and composition, and disrupts ecosystem processes. Diversity and endemism of the scale insect fauna were assessed through broad survey across rainforest, targeted search on endemic plant species, and inspection of ornamental and horticultural plants in settled areas. Emphasis was placed on honeydew-producing species that sust...

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