CONTENTS: DISCUSSION SERIES: Whither development assistance? / Helen Hughes, page 5. Building assistance for development on firmer foundations / Penelope Schoeffel, page 8. Aid procurement- to tie or not to tie? / Sandy Cuthbertson, page II. Enlightening the poor: ODA and rural electrification / Paul Bryce, page 13. New directions for Australian aid delivery / Russell Rollason, page 17. Aid: Prospects for Pacific partnership / Rodney Cole, page 20. NGO capacity building in the Pacific / John Taylor, page 23. The role ofNGOs in advancing sustainable development / Gordon Knowle , page 27. VIEWPOINT: Ten reasons why what we're doing may not help: Aid, poverty and development / A. Crosbie Walsh, page 30. The ESD stumble could herald a big...