L’oratore dimenticato. Strategie di persuasione nell’Odissea

  • Dentice di Accadia Ammone, Stefano
Publication date
January 2015
PERSEE Program


The Forgotten Speaker. Strategies of Persuasions in the Odyssey. Ancient critics recognised in the society represented in the Homeric poems the presence of a well consolidated rhetorical practice. Modern commentators of the Iliad and the Odyssey have in reverse shown little attention to this topic. In this paper I will examine the strategies of persuasion in some of the speeches of Ulysses in the Odyssey. From my analysis it will be evident that the Poet had a good degree of consciousness of rhetorical devices, which were used in order to persuade someone of an idea or an action. Homer sometimes even reflected upon the effects of the spoken word and thus outlined an ante litteram rhetoric.Gli interpreti antichi ravvisarono nella società ra...

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