Courcelle Pierre. J. W. Binns, Latin Literature of the Fourth Century, 1974. (Greek and Latin Studies). In: Revue des Études Anciennes. Tome 78-79, 1976, n°1-4. pp. 352-353
Chevallier Raymond. Deroux (Carl) ed. Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History. IV. In: Revue b...
Tordeur Pol. A. J. Boyle (Ed.), The Imperial Muse. Ramus Essays on Roman Literature of the Empire. F...
Deschamps Lucienne. Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History, IV. Edited by Carl Deroux, 1986. ...
André Jacques, Courcelle Pierre. Philologie latine. In: École pratique des hautes études. 4e section...
Deschamps Lucienne. Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History. — III, Ed. by Carl Deroux, 1983. ...
Deschamps Lucienne. Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History. — edited by Carl Deroux, 1989. (C...
Dubuisson Michel. Carl Deroux (Ed.), Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History. IV. In: L'antiqu...
Chevallier Raymond. Deroux (Carl) ed. Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History. IV. In: Revue b...
Tordeur Pol. A. J. Boyle (Ed.), The Imperial Muse. Ramus Essays on Roman Literature of the Empire. F...
Deschamps Lucienne. Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History, IV. Edited by Carl Deroux, 1986. ...
André Jacques, Courcelle Pierre. Philologie latine. In: École pratique des hautes études. 4e section...
Deschamps Lucienne. Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History. — III, Ed. by Carl Deroux, 1983. ...
Deschamps Lucienne. Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History. — edited by Carl Deroux, 1989. (C...
Dubuisson Michel. Carl Deroux (Ed.), Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History. IV. In: L'antiqu...
Chevallier Raymond. Deroux (Carl) ed. Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History. IV. In: Revue b...
Tordeur Pol. A. J. Boyle (Ed.), The Imperial Muse. Ramus Essays on Roman Literature of the Empire. F...
Deschamps Lucienne. Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History, IV. Edited by Carl Deroux, 1986. ...