Thomas François. Sister Mary Tarcisia Ball, Nature and the Vocabulary of Nature in the Works of saint Cyprian (The Catholic University of America, Patristic Studies, vol. 75), 1946. In: Revue des Études Anciennes. Tome 53, 1951, n°1-2. p. 174
Courcelle Pierre. Rufini Presbyteri, Liber de Fide. A critical Text and Translation with Introductio...
Bardy Gustave. Sister M. Thomas Aquinas Carroll. — The Venerable Bede : his spiritual Teachings (The...
Boulanger André. Sister Mary Daniel Madden, The pagan divinities and their worship as depicted in th...
Thomas François. Sister Mary Tarcisia Ball, Nature and the Vocabulary of Nature in the Works of sain...
Dain Alphonse. Mary Tarcisia Ball, Nature and the Vocabulary of Nature in the works of Saint Cyprian...
Juret Abel. Sister Mary Finbarr Barry, The vocabulary of the moral - ascetical works of St. Ambrose ...
Palanque Jean-Rémy. Sister Mary Dorothea Diederich, Vergil in the works of St. Ambrose (The Catholic...
Juret A. Sister Mary Sarah Muldowney, Word-order in the works of St. Augustine (The catholic Univers...
Darcis Jeanne. Sister Angela Elizabeth Keenan M. A. Thasci Caecili Cypriani de habitu virginum, a Co...
Courcelle Pierre. Sister Mary Magdeleine Mueller, The vocabulary of pope St. Leo the great, The cath...
Juret A. Sister Mary Raphael Arts M. Α., The Syntax of the Confessions of Saint Augustine (vol. XIV ...
Vallette Paul. Sister Mary Emily Keenan, The Life and Times of St. Augustine as revealed in His Lett...
Juret A. Sister Margaret Clare Herron, A Study of the clausulae in the writings of St. Jerome (The c...
Palanque Jean-Rémy. Sister Mary Joseph Aloysius Buck, S. Ambrosii De Helia et ieiunio : a Commentary...
Puech Aimé. Thasci Cæcili Cypriani. De habitu virginum, by Sister Α. Κ. Κeenan. In: Revue des Études...
Courcelle Pierre. Rufini Presbyteri, Liber de Fide. A critical Text and Translation with Introductio...
Bardy Gustave. Sister M. Thomas Aquinas Carroll. — The Venerable Bede : his spiritual Teachings (The...
Boulanger André. Sister Mary Daniel Madden, The pagan divinities and their worship as depicted in th...
Thomas François. Sister Mary Tarcisia Ball, Nature and the Vocabulary of Nature in the Works of sain...
Dain Alphonse. Mary Tarcisia Ball, Nature and the Vocabulary of Nature in the works of Saint Cyprian...
Juret Abel. Sister Mary Finbarr Barry, The vocabulary of the moral - ascetical works of St. Ambrose ...
Palanque Jean-Rémy. Sister Mary Dorothea Diederich, Vergil in the works of St. Ambrose (The Catholic...
Juret A. Sister Mary Sarah Muldowney, Word-order in the works of St. Augustine (The catholic Univers...
Darcis Jeanne. Sister Angela Elizabeth Keenan M. A. Thasci Caecili Cypriani de habitu virginum, a Co...
Courcelle Pierre. Sister Mary Magdeleine Mueller, The vocabulary of pope St. Leo the great, The cath...
Juret A. Sister Mary Raphael Arts M. Α., The Syntax of the Confessions of Saint Augustine (vol. XIV ...
Vallette Paul. Sister Mary Emily Keenan, The Life and Times of St. Augustine as revealed in His Lett...
Juret A. Sister Margaret Clare Herron, A Study of the clausulae in the writings of St. Jerome (The c...
Palanque Jean-Rémy. Sister Mary Joseph Aloysius Buck, S. Ambrosii De Helia et ieiunio : a Commentary...
Puech Aimé. Thasci Cæcili Cypriani. De habitu virginum, by Sister Α. Κ. Κeenan. In: Revue des Études...
Courcelle Pierre. Rufini Presbyteri, Liber de Fide. A critical Text and Translation with Introductio...
Bardy Gustave. Sister M. Thomas Aquinas Carroll. — The Venerable Bede : his spiritual Teachings (The...
Boulanger André. Sister Mary Daniel Madden, The pagan divinities and their worship as depicted in th...