Williams Hector. Archaic Architectural Fragments from Ancient Mytilene. In: Les Grands Ateliers d’architecture dans le monde égéen du VIe siècle av. J.-C. Actes du colloque d’Istanbul, 23-25 mai 1991, éd. J. des Courtils et J.-Ch. Moretti. Istanbul : Institut Français d'Études Anatoliennes-Georges Dumézil, 1993. pp. 83-87. (Varia Anatolica, 3
des Courtils Jacques, Rémy Bernard. Vestiges antiques sur le littoral sud de la mer noire (d'Ünye à ...
Danner Peter. Skulpturen am Simaecken — eine Form ostgriechischer Architektur dekoration im griechis...
Although architects before the time of the French Enlightenment often made use of historical forms i...
Williams Hector. Archaic Architectural Fragments from Ancient Mytilene. In: Les Grands Ateliers d’ar...
Thieme Thomas. The Architectural Remains of Archaic Labraynda. In: Les Grands Ateliers d’architectur...
In that paper are described some stuccoed fragments, belonging to an hellenistic architectural decor...
Van Compernolle Thierry. De l'aristocratie à la démocratie : tradition et innovation dans l'architec...
The Mycenaean pottery presented in this paper was uncovered at Ras Shamra in the course of two excav...
Davesne Alain. Le site archéologique de Meydancikkale . In: Anatolie antique. Fouilles françaises en...
Kenfield John F. The case for a Phokian Presence at Morgantina as Evidenced by the Site's Archaic Ar...
(in English): The aim of the present work is to map, describe, and analyze archeological evidence of...
Ridgway Brunilde S. Archaic architectural sculpture and travel myths. In: Dialogues d'histoire ancie...
Tefnin Roland. M. M. Austin, Greece and Egypt in the archaic Age. In: L'antiquité classique, Tome 40...
Within the for ed se lement on the southwestern slope of Mt. Çatallar (Samsun Dağları in Western As...
Fragments d'architecture chrétienne. In: Mélanges d'archéologie et d'histoire, tome 14, 1894. p. 642
des Courtils Jacques, Rémy Bernard. Vestiges antiques sur le littoral sud de la mer noire (d'Ünye à ...
Danner Peter. Skulpturen am Simaecken — eine Form ostgriechischer Architektur dekoration im griechis...
Although architects before the time of the French Enlightenment often made use of historical forms i...
Williams Hector. Archaic Architectural Fragments from Ancient Mytilene. In: Les Grands Ateliers d’ar...
Thieme Thomas. The Architectural Remains of Archaic Labraynda. In: Les Grands Ateliers d’architectur...
In that paper are described some stuccoed fragments, belonging to an hellenistic architectural decor...
Van Compernolle Thierry. De l'aristocratie à la démocratie : tradition et innovation dans l'architec...
The Mycenaean pottery presented in this paper was uncovered at Ras Shamra in the course of two excav...
Davesne Alain. Le site archéologique de Meydancikkale . In: Anatolie antique. Fouilles françaises en...
Kenfield John F. The case for a Phokian Presence at Morgantina as Evidenced by the Site's Archaic Ar...
(in English): The aim of the present work is to map, describe, and analyze archeological evidence of...
Ridgway Brunilde S. Archaic architectural sculpture and travel myths. In: Dialogues d'histoire ancie...
Tefnin Roland. M. M. Austin, Greece and Egypt in the archaic Age. In: L'antiquité classique, Tome 40...
Within the for ed se lement on the southwestern slope of Mt. Çatallar (Samsun Dağları in Western As...
Fragments d'architecture chrétienne. In: Mélanges d'archéologie et d'histoire, tome 14, 1894. p. 642
des Courtils Jacques, Rémy Bernard. Vestiges antiques sur le littoral sud de la mer noire (d'Ünye à ...
Danner Peter. Skulpturen am Simaecken — eine Form ostgriechischer Architektur dekoration im griechis...
Although architects before the time of the French Enlightenment often made use of historical forms i...