Bogaert Pierre-Maurice. Martin McNamara, Intertestamental Literature (coll. Old Testament Message, 23). 1983 Martin McNamara, Palestinian Judaism and the New Testament (coll. Good News Studies, 4). 1983. In: Revue théologique de Louvain, 16ᵉ année, fasc. 2, 1985. p. 231
Grappe Christian. Bart D. Ehrman, Michael W. Holmes (éd.), The Text of the New Testament in Contempo...
Giblet Jean. C.K. Barrett, New Testament Essays. 1972. In: Revue théologique de Louvain, 5ᵉ année, f...
Ingelaere Jean-Claude. New Testament Interpretation, Essays in Principles and Methods, éd. par I. Ho...
Bogaert Pierre-Maurice. Martin McNamara, Intertestamental Literature (coll. Old Testament Message, 2...
Nikiprowetzky Valentin. Martin McNamara, M.S.C. The New Testament and the Palestinian Targum to the ...
Grappe Christian. Martin McNamara, Targum and New Testament. Collected Essays, (Wissenschaftliche Un...
Doyle Peter. Martin McNamara ed. Biblical Studies : The Medieval Irish Contribution. (Papers read at...
Noblesse-Rocher Annie. Martin McNamara, The Bible and the Apocrypha in the Early Irish Church (A. D....
Trocmé Étienne. Samuel Sandmel, A Jewish Understanding of the New Testament, 1956. In: Revue d'histo...
Touati Charles. Samuel Sandmel. — A Jewish Underslanding of the New Testament. Cincinnati, Hebrew Un...
Grappe Christian. Reimund Bieringer, Florentino García Martínez, Didier Pollefeyt, Peter J. Tompson ...
Hubaut Michel. Michel Clévenot, Approches matérialistes de la Bible (coll. Attention). 1976. In: Rev...
Lods Adolphe François Paul. John A. Maynard, Seven Years of Old Testament Study, A critical bibliogr...
Bogaert Pierre-Maurice. Robert Michaud, Moïse. Histoire et théologie (coll. Lire la Bible, 49). 1979...
Aubert Roger. Michèle Mat (ed.), Sécularisation (coll. Problèmes d'histoire du christianisme, 13). 1...
Grappe Christian. Bart D. Ehrman, Michael W. Holmes (éd.), The Text of the New Testament in Contempo...
Giblet Jean. C.K. Barrett, New Testament Essays. 1972. In: Revue théologique de Louvain, 5ᵉ année, f...
Ingelaere Jean-Claude. New Testament Interpretation, Essays in Principles and Methods, éd. par I. Ho...
Bogaert Pierre-Maurice. Martin McNamara, Intertestamental Literature (coll. Old Testament Message, 2...
Nikiprowetzky Valentin. Martin McNamara, M.S.C. The New Testament and the Palestinian Targum to the ...
Grappe Christian. Martin McNamara, Targum and New Testament. Collected Essays, (Wissenschaftliche Un...
Doyle Peter. Martin McNamara ed. Biblical Studies : The Medieval Irish Contribution. (Papers read at...
Noblesse-Rocher Annie. Martin McNamara, The Bible and the Apocrypha in the Early Irish Church (A. D....
Trocmé Étienne. Samuel Sandmel, A Jewish Understanding of the New Testament, 1956. In: Revue d'histo...
Touati Charles. Samuel Sandmel. — A Jewish Underslanding of the New Testament. Cincinnati, Hebrew Un...
Grappe Christian. Reimund Bieringer, Florentino García Martínez, Didier Pollefeyt, Peter J. Tompson ...
Hubaut Michel. Michel Clévenot, Approches matérialistes de la Bible (coll. Attention). 1976. In: Rev...
Lods Adolphe François Paul. John A. Maynard, Seven Years of Old Testament Study, A critical bibliogr...
Bogaert Pierre-Maurice. Robert Michaud, Moïse. Histoire et théologie (coll. Lire la Bible, 49). 1979...
Aubert Roger. Michèle Mat (ed.), Sécularisation (coll. Problèmes d'histoire du christianisme, 13). 1...
Grappe Christian. Bart D. Ehrman, Michael W. Holmes (éd.), The Text of the New Testament in Contempo...
Giblet Jean. C.K. Barrett, New Testament Essays. 1972. In: Revue théologique de Louvain, 5ᵉ année, f...
Ingelaere Jean-Claude. New Testament Interpretation, Essays in Principles and Methods, éd. par I. Ho...