Weber Philippe. Oliver Davies, A Theology of Compassion. Metaphysics of Difference and the Renewal of Tradition. 2001. In: Revue théologique de Louvain, 37ᵉ année, fasc. 1, 2006. p. 123
Séguy Jean. Davies (Horton) Varieties of English Preaching, 1900-1960. In: Archives de sociologie de...
Boisset Jean. H. Davies. Worship and Theology in England from Andrewes to Baxter and Fox, 1603-1690....
Collange Jean-François. R.E.O. White, Biblical Ethics. The Changing Continuity of Christian Ethics, ...
Weber Philippe. Oliver Davies, A Theology of Compassion. Metaphysics of Difference and the Renewal o...
Jay Bernard. W. D. Davies : Pour comprendre le Sermon sur la Montagne., 1970. In: Revue d'histoire e...
Gil Didier. Catherine Glyn Davies, Conscience as consciousness: the idea of self awareness in French...
Davies William David, Benoît Jean-Daniel. La Tradition cultuelle dans l'Église d'Ecosse. In: Revue d...
Siegwalt Gérard. Harold H. Oliver, A relational Metaphysic. Martinus Nijhoff, 1981. In: Revue d'hist...
Dubois Jean-Daniel. Davies (Stevan L.). Jesus the Healer, Possession, Trance and the Origins of Chri...
Houdart Marie-André. Lucien Richard, What Are They Saying about the Theology of Suffering ?, 1992. I...
Abel Olivier. Danièle Hervieu-Léger (dir.), Religion et Ecologie. . In: Autres Temps. Cahiers d'éthi...
RESEÑA de : Davies, Wendy. Acts of Giving: Individual, Community, and Church in Tenth-Century Christ...
Jaubert Annie. W.D. Davies, The Gospel and the Land. Early Christianity and Jewish Territorial Doctr...
Weber Philippe. Robin Gill (ed.), Theology and Sociology. A Reader. 1987. In: Revue théologique de L...
Parmentier Elisabeth. Richard R. Osmer, Practical Theology. An Introduction, Grand Rapids – Cambridg...
Séguy Jean. Davies (Horton) Varieties of English Preaching, 1900-1960. In: Archives de sociologie de...
Boisset Jean. H. Davies. Worship and Theology in England from Andrewes to Baxter and Fox, 1603-1690....
Collange Jean-François. R.E.O. White, Biblical Ethics. The Changing Continuity of Christian Ethics, ...
Weber Philippe. Oliver Davies, A Theology of Compassion. Metaphysics of Difference and the Renewal o...
Jay Bernard. W. D. Davies : Pour comprendre le Sermon sur la Montagne., 1970. In: Revue d'histoire e...
Gil Didier. Catherine Glyn Davies, Conscience as consciousness: the idea of self awareness in French...
Davies William David, Benoît Jean-Daniel. La Tradition cultuelle dans l'Église d'Ecosse. In: Revue d...
Siegwalt Gérard. Harold H. Oliver, A relational Metaphysic. Martinus Nijhoff, 1981. In: Revue d'hist...
Dubois Jean-Daniel. Davies (Stevan L.). Jesus the Healer, Possession, Trance and the Origins of Chri...
Houdart Marie-André. Lucien Richard, What Are They Saying about the Theology of Suffering ?, 1992. I...
Abel Olivier. Danièle Hervieu-Léger (dir.), Religion et Ecologie. . In: Autres Temps. Cahiers d'éthi...
RESEÑA de : Davies, Wendy. Acts of Giving: Individual, Community, and Church in Tenth-Century Christ...
Jaubert Annie. W.D. Davies, The Gospel and the Land. Early Christianity and Jewish Territorial Doctr...
Weber Philippe. Robin Gill (ed.), Theology and Sociology. A Reader. 1987. In: Revue théologique de L...
Parmentier Elisabeth. Richard R. Osmer, Practical Theology. An Introduction, Grand Rapids – Cambridg...
Séguy Jean. Davies (Horton) Varieties of English Preaching, 1900-1960. In: Archives de sociologie de...
Boisset Jean. H. Davies. Worship and Theology in England from Andrewes to Baxter and Fox, 1603-1690....
Collange Jean-François. R.E.O. White, Biblical Ethics. The Changing Continuity of Christian Ethics, ...