L’Union de Florence après la chute de Constantinople : la profession de foi de Léon le nomophylax et de Macaire de Nicomédie (1462/1464)

  • Blanchet, Marie-Hélène
Publication date
January 2009
PERSEE Program


The article presents a new edition of the profession of faith drawn up by the nomophylax Leo Atrapes ca. 1462/ 1464 and which was adopted and signed by the metropolitan Macarius of Nicomedia in February 1464. These two churchmen reject Latin doctrine and repent of ever having approved the Union of the Churches proclaimed during the Council of Florence in 1439. The existence of such a profession of faith demonstrates that the conflicts within the Greek Church had still not subsided in the 1460’ s.L’article propose une nouvelle édition de la profession de foi du nomophylax Léon Atrapès rédigée vers 1462/ 1464, reprise et soussignée par le métropolite Macaire de Nicomédie en février 1464. Les deux ecclésiastiques rejettent le dogme latin et se...

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