Raepsaet Georges. John BOARDMAN, Early Greek Vase Painting. llth-6th centuries B.C. A Handbook.. In: L'antiquité classique, Tome 69, 2000. p. 535
Delvoye Charles. Peter Warren, Minoan Stone Vases. In: L'antiquité classique, Tome 43, fasc. 1, 1974...
Yvard J.-C. Un vase protohistorique à Pont-de-Ruan (I.-et-L). In: Bulletin de la Société préhistoriq...
Keuls Eva C. New Light on the Social Position of Vase Painters in Late Archaic Athens. In: Mélanges ...
Raepsaet Georges. John W. Hayes, Handbook of Mediterranean Roman Pottery. In: L'antiquité classique,...
Lunsingh Scheurleer Robert-Alexandre. John Boardman, The Diffusion of Classical Art in Antiquity. In...
Raepsaet Georges. D.A. Amyx & Patricia Lawrence, Studies in Archaic Corinthian Vase Painting. In: L'...
Tsingarida Athéna. Karl Kilinski II, Beotian Black Figure Vase Painting of the Archaic Period.. In: ...
Delvoye Charles. Brian A. Sparkes et Lucy Talcott, Black and Plain Pottery of the 6th, 5th and 4th C...
Raepsaet Georges. John Boardman, José Dörig, Werner Fuchs, Max Hlrmer, Die griechische Kunst. In: L'...
Raepsaet Georges. Diana Buitron-Olivier, Douris. A Master-Painter of Athenian Red-Figure Vases. . In...
Delvoye Charles. John Boardman, L'art grec. Texte français d'Hélène Pujo-Meynier. In: L'antiquité cl...
Raepsaet Georges. J. W. Hayes, Late Roman Pottery. In: L'antiquité classique, Tome 42, fasc. 2, 1973...
Delvoye Charles. John Boardman, La céramique antique. Adaptation Jocelyne de Pass et Marie-Christine...
Raepsaet Georges. John Dore et Kevin Greene (édd.), Roman Pottery Studies in Britain and Beyond. Pap...
Bommelaer Jean-François. J. L. Benson, Horse, Bird and Man, The origins of Greek Painting, 1970. In:...
Delvoye Charles. Peter Warren, Minoan Stone Vases. In: L'antiquité classique, Tome 43, fasc. 1, 1974...
Yvard J.-C. Un vase protohistorique à Pont-de-Ruan (I.-et-L). In: Bulletin de la Société préhistoriq...
Keuls Eva C. New Light on the Social Position of Vase Painters in Late Archaic Athens. In: Mélanges ...
Raepsaet Georges. John W. Hayes, Handbook of Mediterranean Roman Pottery. In: L'antiquité classique,...
Lunsingh Scheurleer Robert-Alexandre. John Boardman, The Diffusion of Classical Art in Antiquity. In...
Raepsaet Georges. D.A. Amyx & Patricia Lawrence, Studies in Archaic Corinthian Vase Painting. In: L'...
Tsingarida Athéna. Karl Kilinski II, Beotian Black Figure Vase Painting of the Archaic Period.. In: ...
Delvoye Charles. Brian A. Sparkes et Lucy Talcott, Black and Plain Pottery of the 6th, 5th and 4th C...
Raepsaet Georges. John Boardman, José Dörig, Werner Fuchs, Max Hlrmer, Die griechische Kunst. In: L'...
Raepsaet Georges. Diana Buitron-Olivier, Douris. A Master-Painter of Athenian Red-Figure Vases. . In...
Delvoye Charles. John Boardman, L'art grec. Texte français d'Hélène Pujo-Meynier. In: L'antiquité cl...
Raepsaet Georges. J. W. Hayes, Late Roman Pottery. In: L'antiquité classique, Tome 42, fasc. 2, 1973...
Delvoye Charles. John Boardman, La céramique antique. Adaptation Jocelyne de Pass et Marie-Christine...
Raepsaet Georges. John Dore et Kevin Greene (édd.), Roman Pottery Studies in Britain and Beyond. Pap...
Bommelaer Jean-François. J. L. Benson, Horse, Bird and Man, The origins of Greek Painting, 1970. In:...
Delvoye Charles. Peter Warren, Minoan Stone Vases. In: L'antiquité classique, Tome 43, fasc. 1, 1974...
Yvard J.-C. Un vase protohistorique à Pont-de-Ruan (I.-et-L). In: Bulletin de la Société préhistoriq...
Keuls Eva C. New Light on the Social Position of Vase Painters in Late Archaic Athens. In: Mélanges ...