The Vita Aristotelis of Diogenes Laertius to a large extent relies on Hermippus whose original account might be reconstructed with the help of Diogenes Laertius. Hermippus' is a strange though in the main encomiastic melange of fact and fiction, praise and slander. With the exception of the Vila Hesychii (Vita Menagii), all the other Vitae — the Vita Marciana, the Vita Vulgata (Vita Pseudo-Ammoniana ) , the Vila Latina, the two Syriac Vitae and the four Arabic Vitae — ultimately go back to, or are derivates of a Vita (or an epitome of a Vita) of Ptolemy (el-Garib), a member of Porphyry's or Jamblichus' school of Neo-Platonists. The Vita of Ptolemy, the essential contents of which can fairly well be reconstructed with the help of its several...
Le numéro 187-188 (2013) de la revue Vita Latina vient de paraître Anno MMXIII - Sommaire du Numéro ...
Delaunois Marcel. Ippolito (Patrizia). La vita di Euripide.. In: Revue belge de philologie et d'hist...
ARISTOTELES. PhysicaARISTOTELES. De cæloARISTOTELES. De generatione et corruptioneARISTOTELES. De me...
The Vita Aristotelis of Diogenes Laertius to a large extent relies on Hermippus whose original accou...
ARISTOTELES. Ethica ad NicomachumARISTOTELES. Ethica magnaARRIANUS. Commentariorum in Epicteti enchi...
Taking the paper by Prandi and Landucci as a starting point, this contribution discusses some proble...
It has become commonplace for scholars to point out the similarities, as well as the vast difference...
The fifth book of Diogenes Laertius’ Lives of the Philosophers is concerned with the first four head...
COLLECTA EX TEXTIBUS ARISTOTELIS Collecta ex textibus Aristotelis ( - ) Einband ( - ) I...
Diogenes Laertios war antiker Philosophiehistoriker, der die Geschichte der griechischen Philosophie...
The short ethical treatise On virtue (De virtute or De virtutibus or De virtutibus et vitiis) attrib...
In the huge repertoire on Plato’s Nachleben in the ancient world conceived by Dörrie, several passag...
Diogenes Laertius’ Lives and opinions of Eminent Philosophers is one of themonumental works of ancie...
By the time Dionysius of Halicarnassus came to compose the brief biographies that introduce his ess...
2. hft. Des Aristophanes Byzantius [Tōn Aristotelous peri zōōn epitomē] (romanized form) in byza...
Le numéro 187-188 (2013) de la revue Vita Latina vient de paraître Anno MMXIII - Sommaire du Numéro ...
Delaunois Marcel. Ippolito (Patrizia). La vita di Euripide.. In: Revue belge de philologie et d'hist...
ARISTOTELES. PhysicaARISTOTELES. De cæloARISTOTELES. De generatione et corruptioneARISTOTELES. De me...
The Vita Aristotelis of Diogenes Laertius to a large extent relies on Hermippus whose original accou...
ARISTOTELES. Ethica ad NicomachumARISTOTELES. Ethica magnaARRIANUS. Commentariorum in Epicteti enchi...
Taking the paper by Prandi and Landucci as a starting point, this contribution discusses some proble...
It has become commonplace for scholars to point out the similarities, as well as the vast difference...
The fifth book of Diogenes Laertius’ Lives of the Philosophers is concerned with the first four head...
COLLECTA EX TEXTIBUS ARISTOTELIS Collecta ex textibus Aristotelis ( - ) Einband ( - ) I...
Diogenes Laertios war antiker Philosophiehistoriker, der die Geschichte der griechischen Philosophie...
The short ethical treatise On virtue (De virtute or De virtutibus or De virtutibus et vitiis) attrib...
In the huge repertoire on Plato’s Nachleben in the ancient world conceived by Dörrie, several passag...
Diogenes Laertius’ Lives and opinions of Eminent Philosophers is one of themonumental works of ancie...
By the time Dionysius of Halicarnassus came to compose the brief biographies that introduce his ess...
2. hft. Des Aristophanes Byzantius [Tōn Aristotelous peri zōōn epitomē] (romanized form) in byza...
Le numéro 187-188 (2013) de la revue Vita Latina vient de paraître Anno MMXIII - Sommaire du Numéro ...
Delaunois Marcel. Ippolito (Patrizia). La vita di Euripide.. In: Revue belge de philologie et d'hist...
ARISTOTELES. PhysicaARISTOTELES. De cæloARISTOTELES. De generatione et corruptioneARISTOTELES. De me...