La phonologie appliquée des « édificateurs linguistiques » en U.R.S.S. dans les années 1920

  • Simonato, Elena
Publication date
January 2008
PERSEE Program


The Applied Phonology of the ‘Language Builders’ in the USSR in the 1920's Our paper proposes a study of a topic of history of phonology in the USSR. We base it on the analysis of a very few known conception, the phonologic doctrine of Soviet linguists involved in the 'language building' (Jakovlev, Polivanov, Suxotin). Their phonologic approach goes back to Baudouin de Courtenay and to Ščerba. But it has its own practical aims: elaboration of scripts for unwritten languages of Caucasus region. It is an 'applied phonology'. The paper analyses their approach and the filiation Baudouin de Courtenay-Ščerba-Jakovlev-Troubetzkoy.La fonologia applicata degli «edificatori linguistici» nell'URSS negli anni 1920 II nostro articolo analizza un episo...

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