Tunisian saharian and presaharian Holocene period can be divided into four subperiods. Lower Holocene (10 000 B.P. to about 7 000 B.P.) is caracterized by increasing humidity (stabilization of dunes, reappearance of lakes, accumulation of lower terrace and genesis of Holocène glacis). A short dry phase probably took place between 7 500 and 7 000 B.P. Middle Holocene (7 000 - 3 500 B.P. ?) is probably the climatic optimum subperiod (end of lower terrace building up, pedogenesis developping and evidences of good hydrologie conditions). A progressive climatic aridification began during prehistoric upper Holocene (cutting-down of lower terrace and deflation). A probable short humid phase about 2 400 B.P. marked the beginning of historic upper H...