Ueberschlag Roger. Richards (Colin). — New directions in primary education. In: Revue française de pédagogie, volume 72, 1985. pp. 102-103
Ueberschlag Roger. Anglo American primary school project, School Council, Ford Foundation. — British...
Publ. comme no 15, autumn 1976 de la revue New directions for higher educationBibliogr. à la fin des...
Ackermann Philippe. Conway (Edward S.). — Going comprehensive. A study of the administration of comp...
Auvinet J.-M. Rogers (Vincent R.). — Teaching In the British primary school (L'enseignement dans les...
Ueberschlag Roger. Raven (John), Johnstowe (Jill), Varley (Timothy). — Opening the primary classroom...
Ueberschlag Roger. Thomas (Norman). — Primary Education from Plowden to the 1990s, 1990. In: Revue f...
Chervel André. Peter Cunningham, Curriculum change in the primary school since 1945. Dissemination o...
Berthoz-Proux Michelle. Jones (Reginald L). — New directions in special education (Nouvelles orienta...
Publ. comme no 1, spring 1973 de la revue New directions for educationBibliogr. à la fin des textesI...
Auvinet J.-M. Hillson (Maurie). — Elementary education. Current issues and research. [Enseignement p...
Vexliard Alexandre. Peters (R.S.). — Education and education of teachers. (Sciences de l'éducation e...
Publ. comme no 36, winter 1988 de la revue New directions for teaching and learningBibliogr. à la fi...
Vœltzel René. René Voeltzel, Education et Révélation. Introduction aux problèmes de la pédagogie chr...
Teaching training in England : trends of the system. — The training of primary and secondary school ...
Ueberschlag Roger. Anglo American primary school project, School Council, Ford Foundation. — British...
Publ. comme no 15, autumn 1976 de la revue New directions for higher educationBibliogr. à la fin des...
Ackermann Philippe. Conway (Edward S.). — Going comprehensive. A study of the administration of comp...
Auvinet J.-M. Rogers (Vincent R.). — Teaching In the British primary school (L'enseignement dans les...
Ueberschlag Roger. Raven (John), Johnstowe (Jill), Varley (Timothy). — Opening the primary classroom...
Ueberschlag Roger. Thomas (Norman). — Primary Education from Plowden to the 1990s, 1990. In: Revue f...
Chervel André. Peter Cunningham, Curriculum change in the primary school since 1945. Dissemination o...
Berthoz-Proux Michelle. Jones (Reginald L). — New directions in special education (Nouvelles orienta...
Publ. comme no 1, spring 1973 de la revue New directions for educationBibliogr. à la fin des textesI...
Auvinet J.-M. Hillson (Maurie). — Elementary education. Current issues and research. [Enseignement p...
Vexliard Alexandre. Peters (R.S.). — Education and education of teachers. (Sciences de l'éducation e...
Publ. comme no 36, winter 1988 de la revue New directions for teaching and learningBibliogr. à la fi...
Vœltzel René. René Voeltzel, Education et Révélation. Introduction aux problèmes de la pédagogie chr...
Teaching training in England : trends of the system. — The training of primary and secondary school ...
Ueberschlag Roger. Anglo American primary school project, School Council, Ford Foundation. — British...
Publ. comme no 15, autumn 1976 de la revue New directions for higher educationBibliogr. à la fin des...
Ackermann Philippe. Conway (Edward S.). — Going comprehensive. A study of the administration of comp...