A revision of the Golfe du Lion's coastal indicators permits, nowadays, to isolate four pleistocene transgressive levels. They correspond to four marine high-stands. The Pleistocene old level of Salses of « 27 m NGF can't be dated precisely. On the contrary the syn-vulcanic shorelines of Vias-Cap d'Agde, certified by theirs phreatic surtseyen products, of 5 m NGF high, are dated by K/Ar and paleomagnetism of paleomagnetic inversion Brunhes-Matuyama. During the Upper Pleistocene, two tyrrhenian levels are represented (stade 5). The eutyrrhenian shoreline, plentiful in the Corbieres, never overpasses 7-8 m of high in the 80 listed sites. The abundance of littoral sites attributable to the Eutyrrhenian, their sub-equality (if the shoreline is...