Below the glacier du Tour and the moraines settled during the Little Ice Age, four frontal moraine systems can be seen ; only the last three of them extends out of the Tour ombilic. The 9935 ± 200 ¹⁴C BP datation of the youngest of them allows to confer these three moraines to the Younger Dryas and to propose this datation as Lateglacial terminus post quem. The setting down of the last one — Tour stadial — takes place between 9935 ± 200 BP and 8414 ± 50 BP. Several hypothesis are presented to set precisely this stadial at circa 9000 BP.En contrebas du glacier du Tour, on remarque quatre ensembles morainiques se situant à l'aval des moraines mises en place lors du Petit Age Glaciaire. Seuls les trois plus externes débordent de l'ombilic du T...