Hélène Ilbert, Sélim Louafi — Biodiversity and genetic resources : The difficulty of constituting a hybrid international regime Negotiations concerning biodiversity have partially polarised North-South positions. The choice of resorting to intellectual property-rights as a management tool for using and conserving genetic resources is recognised both by the ito and the Biodiversity Convention. However while the trade regime within the framework of the no is an efficient basis for innovation in high-tech countries, the regime governing the use and the conservation of genetic resources within the Convention's framework is still not really enforced.Ilbert Hélène, Louafi Sélim. Biodiversité et ressources génétiques : la difficulté de la constitu...
International law is full of holes, inconsistencies, and ambiguities because of the number of overla...
Local lore on genetic resources has at last been formally recognized in the International Convention...
International audienceThe global nature and acuteness of the threats to biodiversity create a pressi...
Hélène Ilbert, Sélim Louafi — Biodiversity and genetic resources : The difficulty of constituting a ...
Recent discoveries in molecular biology and their application to genetic engineering are opening up ...
The choice of international bioprospecting agreements and free market based solution, as means of im...
When resources become valuable, various social and institutional pressures come to bear to enclose t...
Le droit international de la propriété intellectuelle impose de plus en plus la brevetabilité du mat...
Le choix des contrats internationaux de bioprospection, cumulé avec le modèle de l’économie de march...
The ongoing debates about access to and commercial use of biodiversity and genetic resources, and th...
Relations between science and politics, bioequity, and biosafety, those are the three salient themes...
La Convention sur la diversité biologique (CDB, 1992) a établi pour la première fois en droit intern...
Controversies on the potentiality of living organisms. Intellectual property rights (IPR) appear to...
International audienceNotions like “global commons” and “global public goods” do not easily apply to...
There is a significant strategic interest by ‘Northern’ industries of accessing and using genetic re...
International law is full of holes, inconsistencies, and ambiguities because of the number of overla...
Local lore on genetic resources has at last been formally recognized in the International Convention...
International audienceThe global nature and acuteness of the threats to biodiversity create a pressi...
Hélène Ilbert, Sélim Louafi — Biodiversity and genetic resources : The difficulty of constituting a ...
Recent discoveries in molecular biology and their application to genetic engineering are opening up ...
The choice of international bioprospecting agreements and free market based solution, as means of im...
When resources become valuable, various social and institutional pressures come to bear to enclose t...
Le droit international de la propriété intellectuelle impose de plus en plus la brevetabilité du mat...
Le choix des contrats internationaux de bioprospection, cumulé avec le modèle de l’économie de march...
The ongoing debates about access to and commercial use of biodiversity and genetic resources, and th...
Relations between science and politics, bioequity, and biosafety, those are the three salient themes...
La Convention sur la diversité biologique (CDB, 1992) a établi pour la première fois en droit intern...
Controversies on the potentiality of living organisms. Intellectual property rights (IPR) appear to...
International audienceNotions like “global commons” and “global public goods” do not easily apply to...
There is a significant strategic interest by ‘Northern’ industries of accessing and using genetic re...
International law is full of holes, inconsistencies, and ambiguities because of the number of overla...
Local lore on genetic resources has at last been formally recognized in the International Convention...
International audienceThe global nature and acuteness of the threats to biodiversity create a pressi...