Der Industriehandel zwischen Frankreich und den mittel- und osteuropaischen Lândern: erste Spezialisierungstendenzen Der Austausch zwischen Frankreich und den mittel- und sischen Exporte von Investitionsgùtem und High-Tech- osteuropâischen Lândern hat seit dem Zusammenbruch Erzeugnissen (Elektronikgeràte, Prazisionsinstrumente) des Rats fur Gegenseitige Wirtschaftshilfe (COMECON) gefôrdert. im Jahre 1990 stark zugenommen, wenn auch seine Handelstrôme mit diesen Lândern betragsmâBig noch recht gering sind. 1993 hatten diese Lander komparative Vorteile bei den Produkten, die einen hohen Arbeitskrafte- einsatz mit geringem Qualifikationsgrad (Textil-, Bekleidungs-, Môbel- und Schuhindustrie) erforderlich machen, sowie in geringerem Ma3e bei...
Industrial Trade between France and its European Partners. Comparative Advantages and the Individual...
Between 1979 and 1980, France Lost its Industrial Market Share. French Exports did not Follow the Ev...
Recent Changes in Industrial Structure and Their Impact on the Export Potential of CMEA Countries in...
Der Industriehandel zwischen Frankreich und den mittel- und osteuropaischen Lândern: erste Spezialis...
Der Handelsaustausch mit den Entwicklungslandem und seine Auswirkungen auf die Beschâftigung In den...
Aussenhandel und komparative Vorteile : die Spezialisierung Frankreichs im Vergleich mit der seiner ...
The french economy at the dawn of 1991. The erosion of industrial trade - If the hypothesis of a red...
The French and German economies have been noticeably different in terms of their performances in for...
Is the french capital goods industrable to supply the products and services which will make possible...
Since the start of the transition period, Central and Eastern European countries' share in the Europ...
Central and East European Trade : The Pitfalls of Dual competition The integration of the Central a...
With the decline of the iron and steel, and the textile indus- tries, and the rise of the computer o...
Der Aussenhandel Frankreichs wàhrend der achtziger Jahre, von Thierry Francq, Dominique Lamiot. W...
French Foreign Trade : a Fragile Industrial Specialization - French exports of industrial products r...
French Industrial Installations in the Newly Industrialized Countries - The French presence in the n...
Industrial Trade between France and its European Partners. Comparative Advantages and the Individual...
Between 1979 and 1980, France Lost its Industrial Market Share. French Exports did not Follow the Ev...
Recent Changes in Industrial Structure and Their Impact on the Export Potential of CMEA Countries in...
Der Industriehandel zwischen Frankreich und den mittel- und osteuropaischen Lândern: erste Spezialis...
Der Handelsaustausch mit den Entwicklungslandem und seine Auswirkungen auf die Beschâftigung In den...
Aussenhandel und komparative Vorteile : die Spezialisierung Frankreichs im Vergleich mit der seiner ...
The french economy at the dawn of 1991. The erosion of industrial trade - If the hypothesis of a red...
The French and German economies have been noticeably different in terms of their performances in for...
Is the french capital goods industrable to supply the products and services which will make possible...
Since the start of the transition period, Central and Eastern European countries' share in the Europ...
Central and East European Trade : The Pitfalls of Dual competition The integration of the Central a...
With the decline of the iron and steel, and the textile indus- tries, and the rise of the computer o...
Der Aussenhandel Frankreichs wàhrend der achtziger Jahre, von Thierry Francq, Dominique Lamiot. W...
French Foreign Trade : a Fragile Industrial Specialization - French exports of industrial products r...
French Industrial Installations in the Newly Industrialized Countries - The French presence in the n...
Industrial Trade between France and its European Partners. Comparative Advantages and the Individual...
Between 1979 and 1980, France Lost its Industrial Market Share. French Exports did not Follow the Ev...
Recent Changes in Industrial Structure and Their Impact on the Export Potential of CMEA Countries in...