Konstantin Azadovskii, Kliuev and Esenin in October 1915. Kliuev and Esenin met for the first time at the beginning of October 1915 in Petrograd. Basing himself on archival documents and in particular on the Diary of F.F. Fidler, the author relates the first appearance in common of the two "peasant poets" in the intellectual society of the capital.Konstantin Azadovskij, Kljuev et Esenin en octobre 1915. Kljuev et Esenin se rencontrèrent pour la première fois au début d'octobre 1915 à Petrograd. A partir de documents d'archives, et notamment du Journal de F. F. Fidler, l'auteur retrace les premières apparitions en commun des deux "poètes paysans" dans les milieux intellectuels de la capitale.Azadovskij Konstantin. Клюев и Есенин в октябре 19...
Marina Tsvetáeva explica em parte, nessa primeira metade de seu ensaio “Epos e lírica na Rússia cont...
Bezrodnyj Mikhail. Супруги Комаровы [Заметка на полях Пнина]. In: Cahiers du monde russe et soviétiq...
Reconciling of irreconcilable contradictions by efforts of personality and culture. Vladislav Hodase...
Konstantin Azadovskii, Kliuev and Esenin in October 1915. Kliuev and Esenin met for the first time a...
Niqueux Michel. Azadovskij Konstantin, Жизнь Николая Клюева : документальное повествование Kljuev Ni...
The article is based on a series of memoirs dedicated to a pre-revolutionary St. Petersburg socialit...
Gaponenkov Aleksej A. П.Б. Стрюве - редактор журнала Русская мысль (1907-1918). In: Cahiers du monde...
Extracts from the Merezhkovskie Archives. I: Letters of Z. N. Hippius to I. A. Bunin ; II: Letters o...
Petr Zaborov, "I cannot forget Russia or the Russians." Twenty-five letters from the Baron de Damas ...
The materials of the research are two main Khlebnikov’s manuscripts : the convolute of the early not...
Breuillard Jean. Русско-французский словарь Антиоха Кантемира, Institut russkogo jazyka im. V. V. Vi...
Une toute première utopie soviétique Rêve de premier mai de V. Kirillov Transporté en rêve de l'épo...
(Vladimir Bontch-Brouèvitch. Recueil des materiaux concernant l'histoire des mouvements religieux et...
Bogomolov Nikolai. Хлебников в конце 1930-х годов : имя, тексты, миф. In: Modernités Russes, n°8, 20...
In the article based on the story In Petersburg by Alexei Poltoratsky, N. Gogol's personality in the...
Marina Tsvetáeva explica em parte, nessa primeira metade de seu ensaio “Epos e lírica na Rússia cont...
Bezrodnyj Mikhail. Супруги Комаровы [Заметка на полях Пнина]. In: Cahiers du monde russe et soviétiq...
Reconciling of irreconcilable contradictions by efforts of personality and culture. Vladislav Hodase...
Konstantin Azadovskii, Kliuev and Esenin in October 1915. Kliuev and Esenin met for the first time a...
Niqueux Michel. Azadovskij Konstantin, Жизнь Николая Клюева : документальное повествование Kljuev Ni...
The article is based on a series of memoirs dedicated to a pre-revolutionary St. Petersburg socialit...
Gaponenkov Aleksej A. П.Б. Стрюве - редактор журнала Русская мысль (1907-1918). In: Cahiers du monde...
Extracts from the Merezhkovskie Archives. I: Letters of Z. N. Hippius to I. A. Bunin ; II: Letters o...
Petr Zaborov, "I cannot forget Russia or the Russians." Twenty-five letters from the Baron de Damas ...
The materials of the research are two main Khlebnikov’s manuscripts : the convolute of the early not...
Breuillard Jean. Русско-французский словарь Антиоха Кантемира, Institut russkogo jazyka im. V. V. Vi...
Une toute première utopie soviétique Rêve de premier mai de V. Kirillov Transporté en rêve de l'épo...
(Vladimir Bontch-Brouèvitch. Recueil des materiaux concernant l'histoire des mouvements religieux et...
Bogomolov Nikolai. Хлебников в конце 1930-х годов : имя, тексты, миф. In: Modernités Russes, n°8, 20...
In the article based on the story In Petersburg by Alexei Poltoratsky, N. Gogol's personality in the...
Marina Tsvetáeva explica em parte, nessa primeira metade de seu ensaio “Epos e lírica na Rússia cont...
Bezrodnyj Mikhail. Супруги Комаровы [Заметка на полях Пнина]. In: Cahiers du monde russe et soviétiq...
Reconciling of irreconcilable contradictions by efforts of personality and culture. Vladislav Hodase...