Boucheron Patrick. Maureen C. Miller The Bishop's Palace. Architecture & in Medieval Italy. In: Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales. 57ᵉ année, N. 2, 2002. pp. 443-446
Monfrin Françoise. The Paper Museum of Cassiano dal Pozzo. A Catalogue raisonné. Drawings and Prints...
Coppola Giovanni. L'essor de la construction monastique en Normandie au XIe siècle : mécénat, matéri...
Milan Cathedral (Italian: Duomo di Milano), begun 1386, west facade, Gothic architecture, Italyhttps...
Boucheron Patrick. Maureen C. Miller The Bishop's Palace. Architecture & in Medieval Italy. In: Anna...
Garrigou Grandchamp Pierre. Maureen C. Miller, The Bishop's Palace. Architecture und Authority in me...
Racine Pierre. Maureen C. Miller. — The Bishop's Palace : Architecture and Authority in Medieval Ita...
Buc Philippe. Maureen C. Miller, The Formation of a Medieval Church. Ecclesiastical Change in Verona...
Héliot Pierre. Krœnig (Wolfgang). The cathedral of Monreale and Norman architecture in Sicily.. In: ...
Souchal François. Evans (Joan). Monastic Architecture in France from the Renaissance to the Revoluti...
Garrigou Grandchamp Pierre. M. Thompson, Medieval Bishops' Houses in England and Wales, Alderhot: As...
Fonseca Cosimo Damiano, Labande-Mailfert Yvonne. Robert L. Benson. — The Bishop-Elect. A Study in Me...
Baylé Maylis. Medieval Art and Architecture at Worcester Cathedral, the British Archaeological Assoc...
Gardelles Jacques. Christopher Wilson, The gothic cathedral — The architecture ot the Great Church, ...
Aubert Marcel. Evans (Joan). The romanesque architecture of the order of Cluny, 1938. In: Bulletin M...
Prache Anne. Medieval Art and Architecture at Lincoln Cathedral, The British Archaeological Associat...
Monfrin Françoise. The Paper Museum of Cassiano dal Pozzo. A Catalogue raisonné. Drawings and Prints...
Coppola Giovanni. L'essor de la construction monastique en Normandie au XIe siècle : mécénat, matéri...
Milan Cathedral (Italian: Duomo di Milano), begun 1386, west facade, Gothic architecture, Italyhttps...
Boucheron Patrick. Maureen C. Miller The Bishop's Palace. Architecture & in Medieval Italy. In: Anna...
Garrigou Grandchamp Pierre. Maureen C. Miller, The Bishop's Palace. Architecture und Authority in me...
Racine Pierre. Maureen C. Miller. — The Bishop's Palace : Architecture and Authority in Medieval Ita...
Buc Philippe. Maureen C. Miller, The Formation of a Medieval Church. Ecclesiastical Change in Verona...
Héliot Pierre. Krœnig (Wolfgang). The cathedral of Monreale and Norman architecture in Sicily.. In: ...
Souchal François. Evans (Joan). Monastic Architecture in France from the Renaissance to the Revoluti...
Garrigou Grandchamp Pierre. M. Thompson, Medieval Bishops' Houses in England and Wales, Alderhot: As...
Fonseca Cosimo Damiano, Labande-Mailfert Yvonne. Robert L. Benson. — The Bishop-Elect. A Study in Me...
Baylé Maylis. Medieval Art and Architecture at Worcester Cathedral, the British Archaeological Assoc...
Gardelles Jacques. Christopher Wilson, The gothic cathedral — The architecture ot the Great Church, ...
Aubert Marcel. Evans (Joan). The romanesque architecture of the order of Cluny, 1938. In: Bulletin M...
Prache Anne. Medieval Art and Architecture at Lincoln Cathedral, The British Archaeological Associat...
Monfrin Françoise. The Paper Museum of Cassiano dal Pozzo. A Catalogue raisonné. Drawings and Prints...
Coppola Giovanni. L'essor de la construction monastique en Normandie au XIe siècle : mécénat, matéri...
Milan Cathedral (Italian: Duomo di Milano), begun 1386, west facade, Gothic architecture, Italyhttps...