HEYBERGER Bernard. R. Po-Chia Hsia, The World of Catholic Renewal, 1540-1770. In: Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales. 55ᵉ année, N. 2, 2000. pp. 447-449
Le Brun Jacques. Callahan (William J.) Higos (David) éd Church and Society in Catholic Europe of the...
Séguy Jean. Taylor (Michael J.) S.J The Protestant Liturgical Renewal. A Catholic Viewpoint. In: Arc...
Orcibal Jean, Armogathe Jean-Robert, Ferrier Francis. Histoire du catholicisme moderne et contempora...
Audisio Gabriel. R. Po-Chia Hsia, Social discipline in the Reformation: Central Europe 1550-1750. In...
Maïla Joseph. Heyberger (Bernard). Les Chrétiens du Proche-Orient au temps de la Réforme catholique ...
Armogathe Jean-Robert. Church and Society in Catholic Europe of the Eighteenth Century, ed. by W. Ca...
M. C. Renaissance and Renewal in Christian History, Studies in Church History edited by Derek Baker,...
Domarchi Jean. H. R. Trevor-Roper, Religion, the Reformation and Social Change.. In: Annales. Econom...
Rivière Jean. Dr Albert Lang, Henrici Totting de Oyta quaestio de veritatibus catholicis, collection...
Santucci Robert. Heyberger (Bernard) : Les Chrétiens du Proche-Orient au temps de la Réforme catholi...
Pietri Charles. Concordia apostolorum et renovatio urbis (Culte des martyrs et propagande pontifical...
Pietri Charles. Concordia apostolorum et renovatio Urbis (culte des martyrs et propagande pontifical...
Hildesheimer Françoise. Joseph Bergin. Church, society and religious change in France, 1580-1730.. I...
Herault Laurence. Caspers (Charles) Lukken (Gerard) Rouwhorst (Gerard) eds. Bread of Heaven. Customs...
Séguy Jean. Higham (Florence) Catholic and Reformed. A Study of the Anglican Church, 1559-1662. In: ...
Le Brun Jacques. Callahan (William J.) Higos (David) éd Church and Society in Catholic Europe of the...
Séguy Jean. Taylor (Michael J.) S.J The Protestant Liturgical Renewal. A Catholic Viewpoint. In: Arc...
Orcibal Jean, Armogathe Jean-Robert, Ferrier Francis. Histoire du catholicisme moderne et contempora...
Audisio Gabriel. R. Po-Chia Hsia, Social discipline in the Reformation: Central Europe 1550-1750. In...
Maïla Joseph. Heyberger (Bernard). Les Chrétiens du Proche-Orient au temps de la Réforme catholique ...
Armogathe Jean-Robert. Church and Society in Catholic Europe of the Eighteenth Century, ed. by W. Ca...
M. C. Renaissance and Renewal in Christian History, Studies in Church History edited by Derek Baker,...
Domarchi Jean. H. R. Trevor-Roper, Religion, the Reformation and Social Change.. In: Annales. Econom...
Rivière Jean. Dr Albert Lang, Henrici Totting de Oyta quaestio de veritatibus catholicis, collection...
Santucci Robert. Heyberger (Bernard) : Les Chrétiens du Proche-Orient au temps de la Réforme catholi...
Pietri Charles. Concordia apostolorum et renovatio urbis (Culte des martyrs et propagande pontifical...
Pietri Charles. Concordia apostolorum et renovatio Urbis (culte des martyrs et propagande pontifical...
Hildesheimer Françoise. Joseph Bergin. Church, society and religious change in France, 1580-1730.. I...
Herault Laurence. Caspers (Charles) Lukken (Gerard) Rouwhorst (Gerard) eds. Bread of Heaven. Customs...
Séguy Jean. Higham (Florence) Catholic and Reformed. A Study of the Anglican Church, 1559-1662. In: ...
Le Brun Jacques. Callahan (William J.) Higos (David) éd Church and Society in Catholic Europe of the...
Séguy Jean. Taylor (Michael J.) S.J The Protestant Liturgical Renewal. A Catholic Viewpoint. In: Arc...
Orcibal Jean, Armogathe Jean-Robert, Ferrier Francis. Histoire du catholicisme moderne et contempora...