E. B. Schle-singer, Comparative Law (Cases, Text, Materials). In: Revue internationale de droit comparé. Vol. 12 N°1, Janvier-mars 1960. pp. 293-294
C. H. Beecher, WUls and Estâtes under German Law. A Comparative Treatise of Civil and Common Law. In...
La comparaison du droit. The Comparaison of Law. Essais choisis pour le 9 Congrès international de d...
U. Mattei, Comparative Law and Economies. In: Revue internationale de droit comparé. Vol. 52 N°3, Ju...
Rudolf B. Schlesinger. - Comparative Law. cases and Materials.. In: Revue internationale de droit co...
A. T. von Mehben, The Civil Law System. Cases and Materials for the Comparative Study of Law. In: Re...
A.T. von Mehren, J.R. Gordley, The Civil Law System. An Introduction to the Comparative Study of Law...
Etudes de droit comparé. Essays in Comparative Laws. In: Revue internationale de droit comparé. Vol....
German Association of Comparative Law, Bibliography of German Law in English and German. A Sélection...
German Association of Comparative Law, Bibliography of German Law in English and German. A Sélection...
J.H. Merryman et D.S. Clark, Comparative Law : Western European and Latin American Légal Systems. Ca...
H. C. Gutteridge. - Comparative Law, An introduction to the comparative method of legal study and re...
J. G. Svolos, Continental Law and Anglo-American Law. A Treatise on Comparative Law, Part I. In: Rev...
German Association of Comparative Law, Bibliography of Germon Law in English and German. A Sélection...
Kötz Hein. Comparative Law in Germany Today. In: Revue internationale de droit comparé. Vol. 51 N°4,...
O. Kahn-Freund, Comparative Law as an Académie Subject. In: Revue internationale de droit comparé. V...
C. H. Beecher, WUls and Estâtes under German Law. A Comparative Treatise of Civil and Common Law. In...
La comparaison du droit. The Comparaison of Law. Essais choisis pour le 9 Congrès international de d...
U. Mattei, Comparative Law and Economies. In: Revue internationale de droit comparé. Vol. 52 N°3, Ju...
Rudolf B. Schlesinger. - Comparative Law. cases and Materials.. In: Revue internationale de droit co...
A. T. von Mehben, The Civil Law System. Cases and Materials for the Comparative Study of Law. In: Re...
A.T. von Mehren, J.R. Gordley, The Civil Law System. An Introduction to the Comparative Study of Law...
Etudes de droit comparé. Essays in Comparative Laws. In: Revue internationale de droit comparé. Vol....
German Association of Comparative Law, Bibliography of German Law in English and German. A Sélection...
German Association of Comparative Law, Bibliography of German Law in English and German. A Sélection...
J.H. Merryman et D.S. Clark, Comparative Law : Western European and Latin American Légal Systems. Ca...
H. C. Gutteridge. - Comparative Law, An introduction to the comparative method of legal study and re...
J. G. Svolos, Continental Law and Anglo-American Law. A Treatise on Comparative Law, Part I. In: Rev...
German Association of Comparative Law, Bibliography of Germon Law in English and German. A Sélection...
Kötz Hein. Comparative Law in Germany Today. In: Revue internationale de droit comparé. Vol. 51 N°4,...
O. Kahn-Freund, Comparative Law as an Académie Subject. In: Revue internationale de droit comparé. V...
C. H. Beecher, WUls and Estâtes under German Law. A Comparative Treatise of Civil and Common Law. In...
La comparaison du droit. The Comparaison of Law. Essais choisis pour le 9 Congrès international de d...
U. Mattei, Comparative Law and Economies. In: Revue internationale de droit comparé. Vol. 52 N°3, Ju...