Chardonnet Jean. Warriner (Doreen) - Revolution in Eastern Europe Kemeny (George) - Economic Planning in Hungary. In: Revue française de science politique, 3ᵉ année, n°4, 1953. pp. 889-890
Vallet Georges. Leopold Dor, Jean Jannoray, Henri et Micheline Van Effenterre, Kirrha, Etudes de Pré...
Chardonnet Jean. Dewar (Margaret) - Soviet Trade with Eastern Europe, 1945-1949.. In: Revue économiq...
Richet Xavier. Ivan T. Berend et György Ranki, The Hungarian Economy in the Twentieth Century. In: R...
Chardonnet Jean. Warriner (Doreen) - Revolution in Eastern Europe Kemeny (George) - Economic Plannin...
Lavigne Marie. Eugène Zaleski, Stalinist Planning for Economie Growth, 1933-1952. In: Revue d'études...
Kerblay Basile. Zaleski (Eugène) - Stalinist planning for economic growth 1933- 1952. Translated fro...
Hungarian and Soviet Writers’ Compromise on French Intervention. Russian Archival Documents on Frenc...
Asselain Jean-Charles. Hungary : A Decade of Economie Reform, edited by Paul Hare, Hugo Radice and N...
Hassner Pierre. Fischer-Galati (Stephen) - The new Rumania, From democracy to socialist republic. Mo...
Goguel François. Einaudi (M.), Domenach (J.-M.), Garosci (A.) - Communism in Western Europe. In: Rev...
Tollet Daniel. Vera Zimanyi (réunis par), La Pologne et la Hongrie aux XVIe-XVIIIe siècles, Actes du...
Hungary has been one of the more promising countries of Eastern Europe to make the transition from a...
Hungary has experimented three models of planning before giving up socialism : a centralized model, ...
Bayard Jacqueline. Acta Historica, The conditons of the masses in Hungary during the world economic ...
De Mograes J. R. Oleh Havrylyshyn et John Williamson. From Soviet disUnion to Eastern Economie Commu...
Vallet Georges. Leopold Dor, Jean Jannoray, Henri et Micheline Van Effenterre, Kirrha, Etudes de Pré...
Chardonnet Jean. Dewar (Margaret) - Soviet Trade with Eastern Europe, 1945-1949.. In: Revue économiq...
Richet Xavier. Ivan T. Berend et György Ranki, The Hungarian Economy in the Twentieth Century. In: R...
Chardonnet Jean. Warriner (Doreen) - Revolution in Eastern Europe Kemeny (George) - Economic Plannin...
Lavigne Marie. Eugène Zaleski, Stalinist Planning for Economie Growth, 1933-1952. In: Revue d'études...
Kerblay Basile. Zaleski (Eugène) - Stalinist planning for economic growth 1933- 1952. Translated fro...
Hungarian and Soviet Writers’ Compromise on French Intervention. Russian Archival Documents on Frenc...
Asselain Jean-Charles. Hungary : A Decade of Economie Reform, edited by Paul Hare, Hugo Radice and N...
Hassner Pierre. Fischer-Galati (Stephen) - The new Rumania, From democracy to socialist republic. Mo...
Goguel François. Einaudi (M.), Domenach (J.-M.), Garosci (A.) - Communism in Western Europe. In: Rev...
Tollet Daniel. Vera Zimanyi (réunis par), La Pologne et la Hongrie aux XVIe-XVIIIe siècles, Actes du...
Hungary has been one of the more promising countries of Eastern Europe to make the transition from a...
Hungary has experimented three models of planning before giving up socialism : a centralized model, ...
Bayard Jacqueline. Acta Historica, The conditons of the masses in Hungary during the world economic ...
De Mograes J. R. Oleh Havrylyshyn et John Williamson. From Soviet disUnion to Eastern Economie Commu...
Vallet Georges. Leopold Dor, Jean Jannoray, Henri et Micheline Van Effenterre, Kirrha, Etudes de Pré...
Chardonnet Jean. Dewar (Margaret) - Soviet Trade with Eastern Europe, 1945-1949.. In: Revue économiq...
Richet Xavier. Ivan T. Berend et György Ranki, The Hungarian Economy in the Twentieth Century. In: R...