V. C. Ginzberg Eli — Technology and social change. In: Population, 21ᵉ année, n°4, 1966. p. 806
Pr. R. Heer David M. — Society and Population. In: Population, 24ᵉ année, n°3, 1969. p. 575
Daric Jean. Ginzberg Eli — Manpower Strategy for the Metropolis. In: Population, 25ᵉ année, n°1, 197...
D. F. Hamblin Robert L., Jacobsen R. Brooke, Miller Jerry L.L — A mathematical theory of social chan...
V. C. Ginzberg Eli — Technology and social change. In: Population, 21ᵉ année, n°4, 1966. p. 806
Durand Claude. Eli Ginzberg, Technology and social change, Columbia University Press, 1964. In: Soci...
V. C. Murray Brown — On the theory and Measurement of Technological Change. In: Population, 22ᵉ anné...
C. Y. Population and social change. In: Population, 28ᵉ année, n°6, 1973. pp. 1238-1239
Daric Jean. Murray Brown — On the Theory and Measurement of Technological Change. In: Population, 25...
F. L. Ginzberg Eli — Manpower Agenda for America. In: Population, 25ᵉ année, n°1, 1970. p. 226
C. E. Industrialisation et société. In: Population, 19ᵉ année, n°5, 1964. p. 991
L. T. Ginzberg Eli et al. — The Middle-class Negro in the White Man's World. In: Population, 25ᵉ ann...
Daric Jean. Ginzberg Eli, Hiestand Dale L., Reubens Béatrice G. — The Pluralistic Economy. In: Popul...
C A. Watson Bruce et Tarr William — The Social Science and American Civilisation. In: Population, 21...
Vincent Paul. Thompson Warren S. — The impact of science on population growth. In: Population, 2ᵉ an...
Ho J. Population and Industrialization. In: Population, 26ᵉ année, n°3, 1971. p. 615
Pr. R. Heer David M. — Society and Population. In: Population, 24ᵉ année, n°3, 1969. p. 575
Daric Jean. Ginzberg Eli — Manpower Strategy for the Metropolis. In: Population, 25ᵉ année, n°1, 197...
D. F. Hamblin Robert L., Jacobsen R. Brooke, Miller Jerry L.L — A mathematical theory of social chan...
V. C. Ginzberg Eli — Technology and social change. In: Population, 21ᵉ année, n°4, 1966. p. 806
Durand Claude. Eli Ginzberg, Technology and social change, Columbia University Press, 1964. In: Soci...
V. C. Murray Brown — On the theory and Measurement of Technological Change. In: Population, 22ᵉ anné...
C. Y. Population and social change. In: Population, 28ᵉ année, n°6, 1973. pp. 1238-1239
Daric Jean. Murray Brown — On the Theory and Measurement of Technological Change. In: Population, 25...
F. L. Ginzberg Eli — Manpower Agenda for America. In: Population, 25ᵉ année, n°1, 1970. p. 226
C. E. Industrialisation et société. In: Population, 19ᵉ année, n°5, 1964. p. 991
L. T. Ginzberg Eli et al. — The Middle-class Negro in the White Man's World. In: Population, 25ᵉ ann...
Daric Jean. Ginzberg Eli, Hiestand Dale L., Reubens Béatrice G. — The Pluralistic Economy. In: Popul...
C A. Watson Bruce et Tarr William — The Social Science and American Civilisation. In: Population, 21...
Vincent Paul. Thompson Warren S. — The impact of science on population growth. In: Population, 2ᵉ an...
Ho J. Population and Industrialization. In: Population, 26ᵉ année, n°3, 1971. p. 615
Pr. R. Heer David M. — Society and Population. In: Population, 24ᵉ année, n°3, 1969. p. 575
Daric Jean. Ginzberg Eli — Manpower Strategy for the Metropolis. In: Population, 25ᵉ année, n°1, 197...
D. F. Hamblin Robert L., Jacobsen R. Brooke, Miller Jerry L.L — A mathematical theory of social chan...