L C. Leibenstein Harvey. — Economie Backwardness and Economie Growth Studies in the theory of economic development. In: Population, 13ᵉ année, n°1, 1958. pp. 150-151
Fourastié Jean. Coale Ansley J. et Hoover Edgar M. — Population Growth and Economic Development in l...
A. A. Hodder B. W. — Economie Development in the Tropics. In: Population, 25ᵉ année, n°4, 1970. p. 9...
Sutter Jean. Terborgh Guy. — The bogey of economic maturity. In: Population, 3ᵉ année, n°1, 1948. pp...
Leduc Gaston. Leibenstein (Harvey) - Economic Backwardness and Economic Growth.. In: Revue économiqu...
Sauvy Alfred. Leibenstein Harvey. — A Theory of Economie Demographic Development. In: Population, 9ᵉ...
Guitton Henri. Leibenstein (H.) - A Theory of Economic-Demographic Development.. In: Revue économiqu...
Tabah Léon. Hoselitz B. F — Sociological Aspects of Economie Growth. In: Population, 19ᵉ année, n°4,...
nomic development, as a subject of scholarly work has rather recent origins. The tenn is closely aff...
Development economics, as the economics of the less advanced nations, emerged during the 1940s and t...
H J. Habakkuk H.J. — Population Growth and Economie Development since 1750. In: Population, 27ᵉ anné...
Chesnay Jean-Claude. Kuznets Simon, Ratner, Miller Ann and Easterlin Richard A. - Population Redistr...
Bonneuil Noël. Morton Oxen Schapiro — Economic development and population growth : implications from...
Blanc Robert. Population growth and economic development in the Third World. In: Population, 31ᵉ ann...
P. M. Morgan James, Sirageldin Ismael et Baerwaldt Nancy — A Study of how Individuals Contribute to ...
B. Y. Population growth and economic development in Africa. In: Population, 28ᵉ année, n°6, 1973. pp...
Fourastié Jean. Coale Ansley J. et Hoover Edgar M. — Population Growth and Economic Development in l...
A. A. Hodder B. W. — Economie Development in the Tropics. In: Population, 25ᵉ année, n°4, 1970. p. 9...
Sutter Jean. Terborgh Guy. — The bogey of economic maturity. In: Population, 3ᵉ année, n°1, 1948. pp...
Leduc Gaston. Leibenstein (Harvey) - Economic Backwardness and Economic Growth.. In: Revue économiqu...
Sauvy Alfred. Leibenstein Harvey. — A Theory of Economie Demographic Development. In: Population, 9ᵉ...
Guitton Henri. Leibenstein (H.) - A Theory of Economic-Demographic Development.. In: Revue économiqu...
Tabah Léon. Hoselitz B. F — Sociological Aspects of Economie Growth. In: Population, 19ᵉ année, n°4,...
nomic development, as a subject of scholarly work has rather recent origins. The tenn is closely aff...
Development economics, as the economics of the less advanced nations, emerged during the 1940s and t...
H J. Habakkuk H.J. — Population Growth and Economie Development since 1750. In: Population, 27ᵉ anné...
Chesnay Jean-Claude. Kuznets Simon, Ratner, Miller Ann and Easterlin Richard A. - Population Redistr...
Bonneuil Noël. Morton Oxen Schapiro — Economic development and population growth : implications from...
Blanc Robert. Population growth and economic development in the Third World. In: Population, 31ᵉ ann...
P. M. Morgan James, Sirageldin Ismael et Baerwaldt Nancy — A Study of how Individuals Contribute to ...
B. Y. Population growth and economic development in Africa. In: Population, 28ᵉ année, n°6, 1973. pp...
Fourastié Jean. Coale Ansley J. et Hoover Edgar M. — Population Growth and Economic Development in l...
A. A. Hodder B. W. — Economie Development in the Tropics. In: Population, 25ᵉ année, n°4, 1970. p. 9...
Sutter Jean. Terborgh Guy. — The bogey of economic maturity. In: Population, 3ᵉ année, n°1, 1948. pp...