Le Mer Régis. Lyons (Deborah).Gender and Immortality: Heroines in Ancient Greek Myth and Cult. In: Archives de sciences sociales des religions, n°104, 1998. p. 107
Gods, Women and «Pharmacy» in Greek Mythology. The study of Greek Mythology fully justifies Herophi...
Gourevitch Danielle. Sandra R. JOSHEL & Sheila MURNAGHAN (Ed.), Women and Slaves in Greco-Roman Cult...
Claverie Elisabeth. Atkinson (Clarissa) Buchanan (Constance H.) Miles (Margaret R.) eds Immaculate a...
Le Mer Régis. Lyons (Deborah).Gender and Immortality: Heroines in Ancient Greek Myth and Cult. In: A...
The following text explores the connections between the mythology of ancient Greece and the society ...
Dury-Moyaers Geneviève. Monaghan (Patricia). Women in Myth and Legend. In: Revue belge de philologie...
Bonnechere Pierre. Ken Dowden, Death and the Maiden. Girls 'Initiation Rites in Greek Mythology. In:...
Mactoux Marie-Madeleine. Mythes et genre. La religion des femmes en Grèce ancienne. Mythes, cultes e...
Massar N. Ann Olga Koloski-Ostrow & Claire L. Lyons (Éd.), Naked Truths. Women, Sexuality, and Gende...
Jacob Edmond. Madeleine David, Les Dieux et le Destin en Babylonie (Collection « Mythes et Religions...
Pironti Gabriella. Stephanie Lynn Budin, The Myth of Sacred Prostitution in Antiquity. Cambridge, Un...
Pirenne-Delforge Vinciane. Joan Breton Connelly, Portrait of a Priestess. Women and Ritual in Ancien...
Van Liefferinge Carine. Jennifer Larson, Ancient Greek Cults. A Guide, 2007. In: L'antiquité classiq...
Dermience Alice. Stephen P. Ahearne-Kroll, Paul A. Holloway, James A. Kelhoffer (eds.), Women and Ge...
Pirenne-Delforge Vinciane. Barbara GOFF, Citizen Bacchae. Women's Ritual Practice in Ancient Greece....
Gods, Women and «Pharmacy» in Greek Mythology. The study of Greek Mythology fully justifies Herophi...
Gourevitch Danielle. Sandra R. JOSHEL & Sheila MURNAGHAN (Ed.), Women and Slaves in Greco-Roman Cult...
Claverie Elisabeth. Atkinson (Clarissa) Buchanan (Constance H.) Miles (Margaret R.) eds Immaculate a...
Le Mer Régis. Lyons (Deborah).Gender and Immortality: Heroines in Ancient Greek Myth and Cult. In: A...
The following text explores the connections between the mythology of ancient Greece and the society ...
Dury-Moyaers Geneviève. Monaghan (Patricia). Women in Myth and Legend. In: Revue belge de philologie...
Bonnechere Pierre. Ken Dowden, Death and the Maiden. Girls 'Initiation Rites in Greek Mythology. In:...
Mactoux Marie-Madeleine. Mythes et genre. La religion des femmes en Grèce ancienne. Mythes, cultes e...
Massar N. Ann Olga Koloski-Ostrow & Claire L. Lyons (Éd.), Naked Truths. Women, Sexuality, and Gende...
Jacob Edmond. Madeleine David, Les Dieux et le Destin en Babylonie (Collection « Mythes et Religions...
Pironti Gabriella. Stephanie Lynn Budin, The Myth of Sacred Prostitution in Antiquity. Cambridge, Un...
Pirenne-Delforge Vinciane. Joan Breton Connelly, Portrait of a Priestess. Women and Ritual in Ancien...
Van Liefferinge Carine. Jennifer Larson, Ancient Greek Cults. A Guide, 2007. In: L'antiquité classiq...
Dermience Alice. Stephen P. Ahearne-Kroll, Paul A. Holloway, James A. Kelhoffer (eds.), Women and Ge...
Pirenne-Delforge Vinciane. Barbara GOFF, Citizen Bacchae. Women's Ritual Practice in Ancient Greece....
Gods, Women and «Pharmacy» in Greek Mythology. The study of Greek Mythology fully justifies Herophi...
Gourevitch Danielle. Sandra R. JOSHEL & Sheila MURNAGHAN (Ed.), Women and Slaves in Greco-Roman Cult...
Claverie Elisabeth. Atkinson (Clarissa) Buchanan (Constance H.) Miles (Margaret R.) eds Immaculate a...