Bastid Marianne. Susan Naquin, Millenarian rebellion in China : the Eight Trigrams Uprising of 1813. In: Annales. Économies, Sociétés, Civilisations. 34ᵉ année, N. 5, 1979. pp. 1122-1124
Godement François. Marie-Claire Bergère et Tchang Foujouei, Sauvons la Patrie ! Le nationalisme chin...
Allès Elisabeth. Pamela Kyle Crossley, Helen F. Siu and Donald S. Sutton (ed.), Empire at the Margin...
Agulhon Maurice. Charles Tilly, Louise Tilly et Richard Tilly, The rebellious century, 1830-1930. In...
Bastid Marianne. Susan Naquin, Millenarian rebellion in China : the Eight Trigrams Uprising of 1813....
Aubin Françoise. Naquin (Susan) Millenarian Rebellion in China. The Eight Trigrams Uprising of 1813....
Will Pierre-Étienne. Susan Naquin, Shantung Rebellion : the Wang Lun Uprising of 1774. In: Annales. ...
Bianco Lucien. Ssu-Yü Teng, Protest and Crime in China : A Bibliography of Secret Associations, Popu...
Bergère Marie-Claire. Margery Wolf, Revolution Postponed, Women Contemporary China. In: Annales. Éco...
Chang-Ming Hua. Margery Wolf, Revolution posponed : Women in Con-temporaiy China, 1985. In: Études c...
Bastid Marianne. Mary Clabaugh Wright (edited and with an introduction by), China in Revolution, The...
Nivard Jacqueline. Ono Kazuko, Chinese women in a century of revolution, 1850-1950. Edited by Joshua...
Bianco Lucien. Roderick Macfarquhar et John K. Fair-banK (éd.), The Cambridge History of China The P...
Rigaud Nadia J. Millamant dans la scène du contrat de The Way of the World : un exemple de pseudo-re...
Bergère Marie-Claire. Pour une histoire économique de la Chine moderne. In: Annales. Economies, soci...
Perdue Peter C. Joanna Waley-Cohen, The Culture of War in China : Empire and Military under the Qing...
Godement François. Marie-Claire Bergère et Tchang Foujouei, Sauvons la Patrie ! Le nationalisme chin...
Allès Elisabeth. Pamela Kyle Crossley, Helen F. Siu and Donald S. Sutton (ed.), Empire at the Margin...
Agulhon Maurice. Charles Tilly, Louise Tilly et Richard Tilly, The rebellious century, 1830-1930. In...
Bastid Marianne. Susan Naquin, Millenarian rebellion in China : the Eight Trigrams Uprising of 1813....
Aubin Françoise. Naquin (Susan) Millenarian Rebellion in China. The Eight Trigrams Uprising of 1813....
Will Pierre-Étienne. Susan Naquin, Shantung Rebellion : the Wang Lun Uprising of 1774. In: Annales. ...
Bianco Lucien. Ssu-Yü Teng, Protest and Crime in China : A Bibliography of Secret Associations, Popu...
Bergère Marie-Claire. Margery Wolf, Revolution Postponed, Women Contemporary China. In: Annales. Éco...
Chang-Ming Hua. Margery Wolf, Revolution posponed : Women in Con-temporaiy China, 1985. In: Études c...
Bastid Marianne. Mary Clabaugh Wright (edited and with an introduction by), China in Revolution, The...
Nivard Jacqueline. Ono Kazuko, Chinese women in a century of revolution, 1850-1950. Edited by Joshua...
Bianco Lucien. Roderick Macfarquhar et John K. Fair-banK (éd.), The Cambridge History of China The P...
Rigaud Nadia J. Millamant dans la scène du contrat de The Way of the World : un exemple de pseudo-re...
Bergère Marie-Claire. Pour une histoire économique de la Chine moderne. In: Annales. Economies, soci...
Perdue Peter C. Joanna Waley-Cohen, The Culture of War in China : Empire and Military under the Qing...
Godement François. Marie-Claire Bergère et Tchang Foujouei, Sauvons la Patrie ! Le nationalisme chin...
Allès Elisabeth. Pamela Kyle Crossley, Helen F. Siu and Donald S. Sutton (ed.), Empire at the Margin...
Agulhon Maurice. Charles Tilly, Louise Tilly et Richard Tilly, The rebellious century, 1830-1930. In...