Cartier Michel. Wolfram Eberhard, Conquerors and rulers, social forces in medieval China.. In: Annales. Economies, sociétés, civilisations. 23ᵉ année, N. 5, 1968. pp. 1128-1131
Blitstein Pablo Ariel. Andrew Chittick, Patronage and Community in Medieval China. The Xiangyang Gar...
Hocquet Jean-Claude. Peasants and Townsmen in Medieval Europe. Studia in honorent Adriaan Verhulst, ...
Couturier Arnaud. Shael Herman. — Medieval Usury and the Commercialization of Feudal Bonds. Berlin, ...
Huetz de Lemps Christian. Eberhard (Wolfram). — The local cultures of South and East China. In: Cahi...
Genet Jean-Philippe. Timothy Reuter, The Medieval Nobility. Studies on the Ruling Classes of France ...
Holzman Donald. Albert E. Dien, éd., State and Society in Early Medieval China, 1991. In: Études chi...
Aubin Françoise. Serruys (Henry) The Mongols and Ming China: Customs and History. In: Archives de sc...
Peyraube Elisabeth. Eberhard (Wolfram) China's Minorities: Yesterday and Today. In: Archives de scie...
von Bogyay Thomas. K. J. Leyser. — Rule and Conflict in an Early Medieval Society : Ottonian Saxony,...
Peyraube Elisabeth. Frederick W. Mote et Denis Twitchett (eds.), The Cambridge history of China, vol...
Cauchies Jean-Marie. Eberhard (Winfried). Konfessionsbildung und Stände in Böhmen 1478-1530. . In: R...
Cartier Michel. Philip A. Kuhn, Rebellion and its enemies in Late Imperial China. Militarization and...
Drège Jean-Pierre, Zhao Chao. Histoire et civilisation de l'écrit en Chine. In: École pratique des h...
Cartier Michel. Économie et absolutisme dans la Chine moderne : le cas des marchands de sel de Yangc...
Mandrou Robert. Wolfang von Wartburg, Geschichte der Schweiz (Histoire de la Suisse). In: Annales. E...
Blitstein Pablo Ariel. Andrew Chittick, Patronage and Community in Medieval China. The Xiangyang Gar...
Hocquet Jean-Claude. Peasants and Townsmen in Medieval Europe. Studia in honorent Adriaan Verhulst, ...
Couturier Arnaud. Shael Herman. — Medieval Usury and the Commercialization of Feudal Bonds. Berlin, ...
Huetz de Lemps Christian. Eberhard (Wolfram). — The local cultures of South and East China. In: Cahi...
Genet Jean-Philippe. Timothy Reuter, The Medieval Nobility. Studies on the Ruling Classes of France ...
Holzman Donald. Albert E. Dien, éd., State and Society in Early Medieval China, 1991. In: Études chi...
Aubin Françoise. Serruys (Henry) The Mongols and Ming China: Customs and History. In: Archives de sc...
Peyraube Elisabeth. Eberhard (Wolfram) China's Minorities: Yesterday and Today. In: Archives de scie...
von Bogyay Thomas. K. J. Leyser. — Rule and Conflict in an Early Medieval Society : Ottonian Saxony,...
Peyraube Elisabeth. Frederick W. Mote et Denis Twitchett (eds.), The Cambridge history of China, vol...
Cauchies Jean-Marie. Eberhard (Winfried). Konfessionsbildung und Stände in Böhmen 1478-1530. . In: R...
Cartier Michel. Philip A. Kuhn, Rebellion and its enemies in Late Imperial China. Militarization and...
Drège Jean-Pierre, Zhao Chao. Histoire et civilisation de l'écrit en Chine. In: École pratique des h...
Cartier Michel. Économie et absolutisme dans la Chine moderne : le cas des marchands de sel de Yangc...
Mandrou Robert. Wolfang von Wartburg, Geschichte der Schweiz (Histoire de la Suisse). In: Annales. E...
Blitstein Pablo Ariel. Andrew Chittick, Patronage and Community in Medieval China. The Xiangyang Gar...
Hocquet Jean-Claude. Peasants and Townsmen in Medieval Europe. Studia in honorent Adriaan Verhulst, ...
Couturier Arnaud. Shael Herman. — Medieval Usury and the Commercialization of Feudal Bonds. Berlin, ...