ground level shot of snowy courtyard
front shot of snow covered admin building
corner shot of snowy Stanger Hall
snowy campus greens
overlook of snowy courtyard
snowy front of the student center and courtyard
snowy Admin Building - front shot
snowy shot of Admin Building
front of the snowy library
front of snowy Asbury Inn
corner shot of snowy library
rear exterior shot of the snowy student center
snowy Stanger Hall side shot
snowy Wesley Square
exterior shots of the library and Estes Chapel in the snow
rear exterior shot of snowy Admin Building and Estes Chapel
front shot of snow covered admin building
corner shot of snowy Stanger Hall
snowy campus greens
overlook of snowy courtyard
snowy front of the student center and courtyard
snowy Admin Building - front shot
snowy shot of Admin Building
front of the snowy library
front of snowy Asbury Inn
corner shot of snowy library
rear exterior shot of the snowy student center
snowy Stanger Hall side shot
snowy Wesley Square
exterior shots of the library and Estes Chapel in the snow
rear exterior shot of snowy Admin Building and Estes Chapel
front shot of snow covered admin building
corner shot of snowy Stanger Hall
snowy campus greens