TEXTS Bevans, Stephen B., and Roger Schroeder. Constants in Context: A Theology for Mission for Today. Orbis, 2003. Pocock, Michael, G. Van Rheenen & D. McConnell. The Changing Face of World Missions. Baker, 2005. Samuel, Vinay, and Chris Sugden. Mission as Transformation: A Theology of the Whole Gospel. Regnum Books International, 1999. Snyder, Howard A. Models of the Kingdom. Abingdon, 1991. Yates, Timothy. Christian Mission in the Twentieth Century. Cambridge University Press, 1996. RECOMMENDED Bosch, David J. Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission. Orbis, 1991. Stott, John, ed. Making Christ Known: Historic Mission Documents from the Lausanne Movement, 1974- 1989. Eerdmans, 1997. Twiss, Richard. One Church Many Tri...