--Satterlee, Craig and Lester Ruth, Creative Preaching on the Sacraments, Discipleship Resources. --Yarnold, Edward, The Awe-Inspiring Rites of Initiation, The Liturgical Press. Additional reading from materials on reserve might include sections from the following: --Augustine, The First Catechetical Instruction, Homilies on the Gospel of John, Later Works. --Cyril of Jerusalem, The Works of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem. --Danielou, Jean, The Bible and the Liturgy, Univ. of ND Press. --Harkins, Paul W., St. John Chrysostom: Baptismal Instructions, Ancient Christian Writers 31. Westminster, Maryland: The Newman Press. --Harmless, William, Augustine and the Catechumenate.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/2761/thumbnail.jp