Catherine Stonehouse and Scottie MayListening to Children on the Spiritual Journey: Guidance for Those Who Teach and Nurture2010. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker AcademicReviewed by Desiree Segura-April Dyron B. DaughrityThe Changing World of Christianity: The Global History of a Borderless Religion2010. New York: Peter LangReviewed by Meesaeng Lee Choi Derek TidballThe Message of Holiness: Restoring God\u27s Masterpiece2010. Downers Grove, IL Inter-Varsity, PressReviewed by Joseph R. Dongell Accordance. Scholars CollectionDVD-ROM and CD-ROM, version 82008. OakTree Software, Inc.Reviewed by Michael D. Matlock and Jason R. Jackson Paul L. Gavrilyuk, Douglas M. Koskela, Jason E. Vickers, Eds.Immersed in the Life of God: The Healing Resources of the C...